Page 1 of Little Psycho
Slipping into a pretty white dress that matches the headband holding back my blonde curls, I twirl excitedly, looking at myself in the mirror.
I slip my feet into a pair of tan wedges, and just as I go to grab my backpack, the doorbell rings, echoing throughout the spacious mansion.
“Calista, it's for you!”mother yells from the first floor, a little irritation laced in her squeaky voice.
“Coming!”I yell back, a smile on my face, knowing it's the boys—my best friends—here to walk me to school like they do every morning.
I rush down stairs with my backpack slung over my shoulder, meeting my mother in the foyer.She rolls her eyes when she sees me, but I pretend I don't notice, and instead, I flash a smile at her, which only pisses her off.
“Why are you wearingthat?”she asks with a look of disgust on her face as my father rounds the corner, ready to head to the office.
“I like it; it's a new dress.You don't like it?”I ask, trying to hide the disappointment in my tone as I twirl again, at least getting a smile out of my father.
“You look beautiful, Princess.”He kisses my cheek and heads out the door, leaving me alone with my terrifying mother.
“You look like a damn whore,” she sneers, grabbing my arm hard enough to leave imprints of her fake nails in my skin as she shoves me toward the door.
I ignore the hurtful words and put my hand on the doorknob, forcing a smile to tug at the corners of my lips.
“Oh, Calista, remember, since it's your thirteenth birthday, we'll be having a little party for you.Make sure you're not late coming home.”Her grin is evil, and her tone is sweet.I can't seem to make sense of it.
“Yes, mother,” I tell her, ignoring the funny feeling swarming inside my gut as I finally open the front door.
Three smiling faces are there to greet me as I step into the sun’s warm rays, taking comfort in the safety of the free world.I close the large wooden door behind me, not bothering to give my mother another glance.
My friends—Dominic, Ash, and Killian—welcome me excitedly, and we quickly start the walk to school like we do every morning.
As we walk away from the house, which feels more like a prison, a sense of relief washes over me, grateful to be away from my mother and her toxicity… even though I know it's only for a short time.
“You look really beautiful, Cali,” Ash says shyly, flaunting a boyish grin that makes me blush.
His gray eyes twinkle as he looks over my dress, running his fingers through his shiny, chocolate hair, all tousled on top of his head.
“Thank you.It's a new dress I just bought with my birthday money you guys gave me,” I say proudly, admiring the way the soft fabric clings to my body, showing off my curves that are just beginning to form.
As we walk, they mention how excited they are for the party tonight, but I keep my opinion to myself.I brush it off with a smile, but deep down, I'm dreading the idea of being the center of attention at another event thrown by my mother.
“So do you know why your mother invited our fathers tonight?”Dom asks, a look of worry in his piercing green eyes—eyes that make his dark hair pop even more than usual.
“No, I didn't even know about the party until I was walking out the door.But I don't like it.”I shrug, knowing there's nothing I can do about it.
Whatever my mother says goes—always.There's no going against her.
“Maybe it's because they're all wealthy and powerful.They can pull any strings they fucking want, and knowing your mother, she wants to make a good impression since your father is running for city council,” Killian chimes in, smoking a cigarette, tucking a strand of his blonde hair behind his ear while his brown eyes fill with a look of pure annoyance at the mere motion of my mother.
She's not a well-liked person by any means.
“I wouldn't put it past her.She always has to make everything about herself.But as long as you guys are there, I'll be fine.”I smile, hoping deep down that today is going to be a good day.
* * *
The dayat school goes by in a blur, and as the final bell rings, I start the walk home alone while the boys head off to football practice.