Page 47 of Little Psycho
City councilman Jose Brown
As I look down to read the names that I’ve already memorized, a rush of warmth spreads throughout me.I type the name Judge Hayden Wilson into my phone, making a note to pick up something to use for research that can’t be traced back to me.
Right away, pictures of the judge pop up, along with cases that have made him famous, both for good and bad reasons.As I read through each article, my blood freezes and anger begins to consume me, pissing me off all over again.
This motherfucker is known for his strict sentences for child molesters and rapists, yet he had no fucking problem paying my parents for a night with me.The more I read, the angrier I get, so I stop, not wanting anymore rage to cloud my judgement.
Putting my phone away, I drop the cigarette and snuff it out with the sole of my shoe, standing up so fast I get extremely dizzy.Swaying slightly, I lean against the thick, cold tree trunk to steady myself before I drop, slowly breathing in and out.
Once I’ve gathered my composure and adjusted my clothes, I set out on my next mission.The judge’s house isn’t too far from here, so I walk towards it, pulling up my Spotify playlist to help soothe my anxiety and put me in the right frame of mind.
While I walk, I think about the boys who once had my whole heart and soul, completely ashamed of them now.They were part of the reason—the ones—who caused the breakdown that led me to this very moment, this burning rage inside me.But I made a promise to myself to get through this and make them pay for the shit that they’ve done.
And Judge Hayden Wilson is just another name—another fucked-up person walking among us in society, so vile that everything he touches loses life immediately—even me.
I walk with purpose, my determination growing stronger, fueling my desire for revenge.I’ll make them pay, and no one will be able to stop me—they’ll all feel the force of my wrath while I watch with a smile on my face.
I chain smoke like it’s going out of style, feeling the burn in my lungs with each breath.The cold mixes with the smoke, sending sharp pains shooting all throughout my chest, but I savor it.I’ve always been drawn to pain—any kind—for it’s the one thing that reminds me that I’m alive, even though most of the time I feel like I’m dead—I wish I was dead.
The soles of my shoes tap against the pavement, echoing in my ears with the whistling of the breeze as it blows, creating some sort of symphony that seems to ease the anxiety attached to my nerves.A thick fog cloud descends upon the city, slightly obscuring my sight, but the few dim lights flickering at the top of the telephone poles guide my way through the dark.
Turning down a packed but deserted side street, just two blocks away from the judge’s house, I swing my backpack to the front of me and unzip it.Moving my head from side to side to scan the area, I reach in and curl my fingers around the edge of the mask.Once I’m sure no one is around, I pull it out and move my bag back over my shoulders.
Fuck, there’s something so satisfying about this mask.The anticipation of what’s to come—of who I turn into—while wearing it is almost arousing.
An insatiable feeling enters my body, transforming me into someone else—someone brave, strong, and determined.I slip the purge mask on over my face, turning the switch on.Red-lighted X’s take over my eyes and mouth, and a smirk appears on my lips beneath the disguise.
This is it.The judge will feel the weight of his actions—the consequences of his choices.Judgement day for Hayden Wilson has finally come, and I’m the fucking executioner.
I can’t deny the exhilaration that rushes through me as I approach his house, the red lights of the mask casting an eerie glow over the empty street.I can feel the power coursing through my veins, the need for retribution driving me forward.
As I stand before the judge’s house, I take a deep breath, my hands gripping the straps of my backpack tightly.It’s time to make him understand the pain and suffering he has caused.It’s time for him to face the reality that’s awaited him for some time now.
The night he threw money at my parents, Judge Hayden Wilson made a grave mistake, and now he’ll fucking pay for it.The sick motherfucker signed his own death warrant, and I’m more than ready to fucking collect what’s owed to me.Killing him isn’t going to make my pain go away, and it’s not going to let me ever forget about the trauma I endured, but it’ll prevent him—and the others—from ever hurting anyone else again, and that’s good enough for me.
After casing his house for a while and peering into the windows that I can reach, I sit, perched within the security of the bushes, just watching… waiting… hunting.Retrieving my knife, I drag it methodically against the rock near my feet, sharpening the blade with my eyes glued to his bedroom window, the light glow from the TV illuminating the inside.
And while I wait for the perfect time, memories hit me of my past with the guys—one in particular that I thought I buried deep enough so I’d never think about it again.
Grasping the bottle of sunscreen, I shake it and hold my breath as I spray it onto my skin, bracing myself for the cold shock.Even though the sun is scorching, beating down on my half-naked body, the coldness of the liquid still shocks my system, causing a slight shiver to rock my body.The sound of the ocean waves slapping against the shore and the squawking seagulls flying above us in the bright blue sky bring a smile to my face.
Mother let me out by myself today, just me and the guys at the beach for one last time before summer comes to an end.She’s been really uptight lately, and it scares me that I don’t know why.Her and my father have been so secretive, and that’s never a good thing.
Once I’m done spraying myself down with the sunscreen, I drop it onto my laid-out towel and turn to face the water, spotting Dom walking slowly into it.To my left, Killian and Ash are throwing the football, running down the beach.Slowly, I head for Dom, pulling my bikini bottoms out of my ass with each step.It’s getting too small.The top barely covers my breasts, so tight they spill out the sides and the front.Mother says I’m developing early like she did, and I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
Reaching Dom, I put my hand on his back, making him jump.He turns and smiles at me, his eyes widening slightly as he takes in my appearance, making me blush.
“Damn, Cali.Did you grow up overnight or something?”he asks, licking his lips with his brow cocked in disbelief.
“I must have.This bathing suit fit a couple weeks ago,” I laugh, crossing my arms in front of my chest as we walk further into the cold water.
“You look…hot,” he says quietly, almost low enough to where I can’t hear him, but I did.
I giggle, a light blush blending in with red on my cheeks from the heat.“I’m just glad to be here with you guys one last time before summer ends.”
Dom flashes me a warm smile, and I take his hand as we wade deeper into the water, the sun and the ocean washing away all my worries for the time being.