Page 57 of Little Psycho
As the signal goes off and tires begin screeching across the asphalt, I slam my foot on the gas pedal, the deafening sound of engines echoing in my ears as the race finally begins.And for the first time in a long time, I feel a small sense of hope—a hope that we can break free from the chains that bind us and create a future worth fighting for...with our girl right by our fucking side.
As Dom’s car speeds off, I think I catch his eye, although I can’t be certain.From my vantage point, I watch the race with the cold wind ruffling my hair.Sipping on a beer, I take a few hits off the blunt in my hand, feeling the medication I just took slowly taking effect.I feel detached.I feel liberated.I feel altered.But regardless, I embrace it all, knowing it could be a lot worse.
Looking down from where I am, I see the crowd chasing the speeding cars, appearing as giant, colorful blurs in the darkness of the night.My gaze meets Five’s, and it’s almost as if he can sense my presence—or feel my eyes on him.He grins, giving me a subtle wink while licking his lips and lighting the cigarette that was just tucked behind his ear.
He knows I’m watching...
Concealed behind my mask, I smile back, aware that he can’t see it but cherishing the sentiment nonetheless.
As the sound from the cars echoes in the night, I sit back and pull out my phone, looking up the news.Right away, the shock and horror of the recent murder have everyone in a panic, only making me smile wider.
I did that.
Checking to see if there are any updates, I’m shocked to find out that the police let it slip about the thumb drives that I left at each murder.I figured they’d keep that detail secret, but they didn’t.They did, however, keep what’s on them a secret, which is highly disappointing.I want everyone to know how sick those men were, but I guess it’ll come out in due time.
After reading article after article about the chaos that I’ve been causing, I search my name in Google, wondering if my parents have released anything about my disappearance—they haven’t.Not one fucking word about their missing daughter.
It doesn’t surprise me that they’ve kept everything a secret.They don’t want the attention on them, especially bad attention.Not when my father is in office and my mother is in charge of some of the most prolific charities and shit.
Feeling a surge of satisfaction at the chaos erupting throughout the city, I lean back and take another hit, watching the smoke swirl out through the mouth hole of the mask and disperse in the dark sky, almost instantly.
The feeling of power and control courses through me as I scroll through the news articles, reveling in the panic and confusion that I’ve created.It’s almost intoxicating.Addicting.
As I continue to read, my mind drifts back to the race and the look that Dom gave me as he sped away.I can’t help but wonder if he knows I’m up here watching.But then again, I don’t really care.I couldn’t give two fucks.
Suddenly, the sound of sirens pierces the night, and I can see the flashing lights in the distance.It’s too close for comfort.Without another thought, I grab my things and disappear into the darkness, knowing that the hell I’ve unleashed will keep me entertained for a long time to come.
I reach out to Five with a quick wave, sending a cunning smile his way as I slip further into the shadows.The smell of snow is evident in the air as I breathe in, letting me know that the first flurries of the season are approaching.And with Halloween only a week away, it’s never to early for a snowstorm.
I can’t wait to paint the snow red with the blood of my enemies.To see their lives turned upside down as they did to me.
With plenty more names on my list, I know my work isn’t anywhere near finished.Although I need to take a small break in order to keep the police off my tracks and the mystery of Boston’s latest serial killer under wraps.I’m not ready to get caught yet, not when there’s plenty more work for me to do.Plenty more predators for me to erase from the map.
I wouldn’t mind getting locked up to get away from the turmoil surrounding me, but only when I’m ready.And that time isn’t right now.
But it is time for me to enlist the help of the boys who once had my heart.They’re going to help me finish my list whether they want to or not.They’re going to pay for ruining my life—it’s time.I’m ready to collect.
This is where the real fun starts, and I won’t stop until each and every one of them is taken down.The snowfall is just the beginning of the storm that’s about to hit this city, and I’m the one controlling every move.It’s my turn to play the game, and I’ll make sure everyone fucking knows it.
I get to the guy’s apartment before they do, the silence and empty space allowing me to slip in through the window without any witnesses.Keeping my mask on, I make my way down the hall, sneaking into Dom’s room, an evil grin twisting on my lips underneath the plastic covering my face.
Dropping my backpack inside his closet, I crawl under the bed, light a cigarette, and wait for the fun to start.
“What’s your plan?”Addy asks, popping up out of the blue again.
“I don’t have one yet.”I shrug, sliding my hands under my head as I stare at the bottom of the mattress.
“You know they’re going to catch you this time.The element of surprise will be ruined if you show yourself tonight.”She lies down beside me and copies my position, although turning her head to the right to face me.
“I don’t care, Addy.It’s time I show myself.They know it’s me fucking with them,” I laugh, thinking about all the torment I’ve been subjecting them to lately.