Page 91 of Little Psycho
“Where are we going now?”Addy, who has barely been around, shows up beside me out of nowhere.
I breathe a sigh of relief, glad to see her.“We’re going to stake out the next house,” I tell her, a deadly smile tugging at the corners of my lips, hidden behind the hacker mask I chose to wear.
“Did you get the boys to agree to help you?”She questions, subtly skiing her hand into mine, holding it tightly.
“I talked to Dom about it, and he’s aware, but the other two are still clueless.But don’t worry, Addy, they’re going to help me regardless.”
Coming up to the gated community where the mayor lives, I punch in his code that I managed to clone, and Addy and I slip through the gate unscathed.
Knowing exactly where his apartment is, I climb the fire escape to the very top and make myself comfortable on his balcony, making sure I have a perfect view of his bedroom, where he lies sound asleep, holding a girl who looks no older than eighteen.
“Fucking pervert,” I mutter under my breath, pulling my black hood over my head to avoid being seen.
I pull out the list and study it, even though I’ve memorized every name on it by now.
Holden Graham
Adam Moretti (Ash’s father)
David Blacksburg (Kill’s father)
Jackson Gray (Dom’s father)
State senator Gallagher
Mayor Kyle Benjamin
City Councilman Marcus Rutherford
Judge Hayden Wilson
Brockton chief of police Robert Bailey
City councilman Jose Brown
My throat tightens and my hands get shaky, noticing that Dom’s father is only two names away after the mayor’s.I’m not sure how he and the guys are going to feel about their father’s names approaching, but at the same time, I don’t really care.From day one, I promised myself that I’d rope them into helping me, and I have to keep reminding myself that no matter what happens between us, my mind is already made up.
Not only did their fathers betray them and myself, but out of all thirteen names on my list, their torment and abuse was way worse than anyone else’s—even my own fucking parents.The things they did to me are diabolical.
I take a deep breath, steadied by my resolve, and focus on the scene in front of me.The mayor’s silhouette shifts slightly in the glow of the moonlight.I can’t help but feel the pulse of urgency in my veins.It’s strange how I’ve come to find solace here, watching my targets, each breath swelling with purpose and righteousness, while the weight of the past still hovers in my mind like a dark cloud.
Addy’s grip tightens on my hand, pulling me briefly from the depths of my thoughts.“Are you sure about this?”She whispers, her voice a gentle warning echoing through the fog.
I turn my head, catching her eye—a mixture of concern and fierce loyalty reflected back at me.“I have to do this, Addy.It’s not just for me anymore.It’s for them too.We can’t let their fathers continue to play puppet master over our lives.”
Before she can respond, the bedroom lights flicker on, casting shadows across the balcony.I hold my breath, instincts sharpening as I peer through the glass.The mayor stirs, the girl nestling closer to him, her innocence tainted by the monsters who wield power over us.It sickens me, but I can’t allow my rage to cloud my judgement.Not yet.
I pull out my phone, the glow illuminating my focus, and I see a new message from Dom, wondering where I am and if I’m okay.Even though he’s the one I trust the most, the one whose heart still holds traces of the boy he used to be, I ignore it, not ready to text back just yet.
“Come on,” I tell her, standing up.
As if a switch has been flipped, we move in unison, slipping into the shadows, every step a calculated whisper against the misty air.Addy stays close, trailing behind me like a determined phantom.