Page 43 of Dark Christmas
Though the spread looks amazing, a sudden wave of nausea hits me. It’s subtle but enough to give me pause. I push it aside—probably just nerves—and refocus on the conversation and food.
Melor turns to David, leaning in. I’m very familiar with what she does, thanks to all the treats Amelia brings over from the bakery.” That gets a smile out of Claire. “But David, how about you?”
“I’m a public defender,” David replies.
Melor’s eyebrows go up, clearly impressed. “That’s admirable work. Can’t be easy, though, defending people who might not deserve it.”
“It’s a broken system,” David says, taking another bite of his pad Thai. “You see people get steamrolled all the time, especially if they don’t have money or connections. My job is to make sure everyone gets a fair shot.”
“There are definitely a lot of people who don’t, that’s for sure. I’m impressed.”
David smiles before dropping the inevitable question. “So, Melor, what do you do?”
Without missing a beat, Melor gives that signature, confident smile.
“I own a cybersecurity firm.”
David nods approvingly. “Nice. That’s got to keep you busy.”
As the conversation flows, I start thinking about how, in another time, Melor and David would’ve been on opposite sides of the law. David, the do-good public defender, and Melor, with his less-than-legalpast. It’s not hard to imagine, even if Melor is technically retired. Melor would have only the best defense attorneys on his side, but the irony of the two of them sitting together, sharing a meal and discussing their careers… I can’t help but snicker to myself.
But then my mind wanders to the bigger question—is Melor really done with his old life?
Deep down I already know the answer. He’s not. At any moment, a crazed gunman could kick the door down and remind us of that fact.
Pancake curls up against my leg, his warm little body pulling me back to the present. I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding. Claire catches my eye from across the table. “You okay, Am?”
I force a smile, trying to play it off. “Yeah, just got carried away thinking about some Christmas ideas for the bakery.” It was a total lie, but it’s better than admitting I was imagining us getting ambushed.
Claire grins, oblivious. “I can’t wait to hear them!”
Melor chimes in. “I love seeing her creative process at work.”
I glance over at him, my heart doing that annoying fluttery thing again. I offer a weak smile in return, trying to shake off the lingering anxiety.
Maybe I just need some air. Or a reality check.
I turn my attention to the meal in front of me, realizing I haven’t taken a single bite. I’m still feeling a little off, but I figure maybe some food will help. I start with a spring roll, dipping it into the peanut sauce on my plate. It’s good, but it settles weirdly in my stomach.
Meanwhile, Melor, David, and Claire are chatting away like they’ve been besties for years. I should feel like I’m part of it, butI don’t. I feel like I’m a million miles away.
Still not feeling quite right, I take a bite of the pad Thai.
Big mistake.
The second I start chewing, a wave of nausea hits me like a freight train.
“Excuse me,” I mutter, standing up quickly, trying not to look too panicked as I rush off to the bathroom. I barely make it, slamming the door shut behind me as I heave over the toilet.
Afterward, I stand there for a moment, catching my breath, leaning over the sink, and staring at myself in the mirror. My face is pale, my heart’s racing, and I’m sweating.
What the hell is going on?
Chapter 22