Page 32 of Bolt's Flame
“Bolt?” I asked, concerned for his safety, because my dad looked really angry.
“Come with me, honey,” Brenda called from somewhere behind Dad. Just how much of an audience did we have?
I looked at Bolt one last time and headed inside with Brenda, saying a silent prayer that Bolt would be okay.
“I AUGHT TOtear you limb from limb right this secondand feed you to the alligators,” Horse snarled, stepping toward me. “But I’m gonna give you one minute to tell me what the fuck you’re doin’ with my girl?”
“I care about Fiona,” I said, my voice calm even though I knew he meant every word of the threat he just made.
“I know exactly how you fuckingcare, Bolt, with a few pumps of your dick and a see ya later.”
“Fiona is different, Horse. She’s not like all the faceless bitches that strut through here.”
“I’m gonna be upfront with you and tell you I don’t think you deserve Fiona and I’m only gonna warn you once, you better not be playin’ with her, because she’s dealing with a ton of shit right now, gettin’ her life back. She don’t need nothin’ else to deal with and you won’t be using those legs if you hurt her. You got me?”
“Yeah, I got you, Horse, but you don’t have to worry.”
“That’s to be seen ain’t it?” Horse said, turning on his heel and heading back toward the clubhouse.
Sighing heavily, I jammed my hands into my pockets and followed him back inside. I knew I had to prove myself to Horse, and I would. He’d see that Fiona wasn’t just some quick fuck to me, it was more than that, but I got where he was coming from.
Shit, I wouldn’t trust me either.
My ears perked up, thinking I heard someone muttering in the distance, but it was too fucking dark to see anything. I listened but only the sound of the night creatures could be heard, probably just one of Chain’s ghosts he swears he’s always seeing. Giving a shrug, I headed into the clubhouse, forgetting about it.
The door creaked shut behind me as I stepped back into the clubhouse and glared at that fucking Gearhead.
When I walked in earlier tonight, finally having some free time to spend with Fiona and saw that fucker leaning close to her, I about blew like a lit fuse. Maybe I hadn’t yet claimed Fiona in the laws of our club, but he knew it just the same. Horse may not have noticed, but Gearhead damn sure did.
I need a drink.
“Fiona needed to go check on somethin’ in the kitchen. She had some bread ‘rising’ said she’d meet you out here in a few,” Brenda said when I walked by her. I could tell she wanted to say something, but for some reason kept silent.
“Thanks,” I mumbled as I made my way to the bar, stopping and talking along the way, before grabbing a half-full bottle of whiskey. I poured myself a shot, knocking it back without a second thought. The burn felt good, grounding me and calming my remaining anger.
It didn’t last long.
I rolled my eyes at her voice, thinking what kind of fucking night this was turning out to be.
Jenny slid up beside me, her eyes sharp and calculating, a half-smile on her lips that I’d seen too many times before. She wasn’t here to chat. The bitch was here to start some shit.
“What do you want, Jenny?” I muttered, pouring another shot and moving out of her reach.
“You really have to ask?” she purred, her hand brushing lightly against my arm. “I’ve seen the way you’ve been lookin’ at her. That little thing you’ve got going on with Fiona... what? You think that’s gonna last?”
I set the glass down a little harder than I meant to, turning to face her, my voice low but dangerous. “That’s none of your business, and I’d advise you to stop approachin’ me.”
She gave a bitter laugh, stepping closer, her voice dropping to a hushed tone so no one else could hear. “You think she’s one of us? You think she’s cut out for this life? She’s too soft, Bolt. You’ll get tired of her real quick. You men always do.”
I felt the anger rising in my chest, but I kept it in check, my jaw tight as I stared her down. “Back off, Jenny. Nothin’ about me involves you. Got it?”
Her eyes narrowed, and for a moment, I saw the flash of pure jealousy in them. She wasn’t used to being pushed aside, and she damn sure wasn’t used to losing. That’s the problem with our clubhouse. They’re no ol’ ladies to keep them in check like most of our chapters. When Bullet was chapter president, he’d keptthe rule that banned ol’ ladies from the clubhouse, running them off. Things didn’t change until Devil, six years ago.
“You can tell yourself that all you want, but you’ll come crawlin’ back. You men love the way women like me make you feel,” she hissed, her hand gripping my arm now, her nails digging in just enough to get a reaction.
I pulled away, stepping back. “Fuck off, Sweet Butt. You give yourself entirely too much credit for bein’ community pussy.”