Page 57 of Just Add Mistletoe
Ian grinned. “The numbers line up, and I’m also going to build furniture for the main office lobby. A little publicity on my part.”
Warmth prickled Lori’s arms. If Ian was investing, and Austin was too, it meant that Malcom was really entrenching himself into Everly Falls. Which made her both exhilarated and nervous at the same time. What if they did date, and it didn’t work out? Would their friends have to choose sides?
She brushed that thought away because Everly had just opened the door to the house. “Well, come in, everyone.” She waved an arm full of jangling bracelets. “The party’s inside, not out in the dark.”
Everyone headed inside, and the conversation about Ian investing was put on hold. Lori had more questions, but here and now weren’t the right place and time. Was Ian the final person he’d been waiting on? No, she decided. Malcom hadn’t seemed surprised.
Everly and Austin had set up a long table in their living room so everyone could be seated together.
“Love your outfit,” Stephenie said, coming over for a hug.
“I love yours too,” Lori said.
Stephenie was wearing a dress, of course—a dark red one that paired well with her deep-brown knee-length boots. Lori’s light sweater was embroidered with the outlines of autumn leaves, which also went with her silver earrings in the same leaf shape.
Malcom set the casserole dish on the table, then fell into a conversation with Austin and Cal as Austin explained some of the upgrades he’d done on this older home.
With Malcom so thoroughly occupied, Lori felt like she should be doing something so she wouldn’t just follow him around like she wanted to. She headed into the kitchen, where the women had congregated.
“What can I do to help?” she asked Everly.
“He is sooo into you,” Brandy said in a hushed whisper from where she was pouring salsa into a glass bowl. “And I think it’s cute that he carried the casserole in.”
Lori had to stop from rolling her eyes. “Cute? He was helping.”
Brandy just grinned, matching Everly’s smile. The sisters both looked like Cheshire cats.
“I must say I agree.” Julie paused in adding dressing to a giant green salad. “Dave saw him at the bank today and said that Malcom brought you up several times.”
Lori frowned. “What did he say?”
She waved a hand. “I don’t know. Men don’t elaborate.” She glanced toward the living room as if to make sure they weren’t being spied upon. “But the fact that Dave even mentioned it . . . that’s significant.” She waggled her eyebrows.
Should Lori tell her friends about what Malcom had said in the truck? Ask for their advice?
“What’s going on?” Brandy asked. “I know that look—something’s up.”
Lori released a breath and took a seat at the counter on one of the stools. “If I tell you, you have to promise not to say a word—and that means to any of the guys. And especially yourmom, Brandy and Everly.”
The sisters exchanged surprised looks.
“Cross my heart,” Brandy said, doing just that.
The men’s voices rumbled from the front room, something about shelves.
But Lori lowered hers just the same. “He wants to officially date.”
Her friends squealed, keeping their voices down. Still, Lori’s eyes widened as she panicked that they’d been overheard. But there didn’t seem to be a break in the men’s conversation.
“I’m so happy for you,” Brandy said, clapping her hands silently.
Lori held up her hand though. “I haven’t given him an answer yet. I mean, I don’t know how long he’ll be in Everly Falls.”
Everly came around the counter and set a hand on her shoulder. “I think he’s made it pretty obvious he’s staying.”
“Really?” Julie asked, eyes wide. “I thought his job had been nixed.”
Stephenie elbowed her as Austin and Cal walked into the kitchen.