Page 28 of Deck the Skulls
“I’m going to fuck you,” he warned her, pulling up her hips and urging her up on her knees.
She mumbled something, but with her face buried in Anatoly’s crotch, he couldn’t understand her words. He looked up at Anatoly and the vampire reached out to open a nearby vanity drawer.
“Condom,” the vampire explained as he pulled out a foil-wrapped package.
“But we can’t get, uh, I mean, we don’t have any STIs,” Zan objected even as he accepted the condom. Supernaturalcreatures couldn’t carry human disease, and he didn’t want anything between his cock and Rissa’s sweet pussy.
Anatoly gave him a severe look, and Zan ducked his head, feeling bad for objecting. If Rissa wanted him to glove up, then he shouldn’t argue. Anatoly sent him a clear picture of a baby, and Zan realized STIs probably weren’t the only issues on Rissa’s mind. Thank the goddess of the hunt for Anatoly or Zan would’ve acted like an idiot. Or more of an idiot anyway.
“No problem!” Zan said quickly, opening the packet and pulling out the condom. He rolled it onto his dick as Rissa got her arms under her and lifted her head up.
“I could suck you off instead,” she offered.
“No, baby girl,” Zan said, feeling like an asshole. “I don’t mind wearing this, and I’m desperate to bury myself inside you. Besides, Anatoly should get to feel how good your mouth is.”
Anatoly cupped her jaw, pulling her attention to him. “Can I fuck your mouth?” he asked.
Rissa’s answer was to pull away from the vampire’s grip and dip her head down. Zan massaged the globes of her ass while he watched her swallow down Anatoly’s dick. The other man hissed and gently pulled away from her. “Easy!”
“Sorry!” she said. Zan couldn’t see her face, but he could hear how upset she was.
“No reason to be sorry,” he said, hunching over so he could kiss her lips. “I only want this to last longer. If you keep going like that, I’ll come much too quickly. I usually have better self-control, but you’re so sexy it’s hard to hold back.”
Zan felt her quiver at Anatoly’s words. Their human definitely hadn’t been told how beautiful and desirable she was enough in her life.
Leaning over her body, he slid his dick against her pussy lips and reached under to cup one of her breasts. “Smart, fierce, and gorgeous all in one body,” he said as he massaged her flesh.
“Zan,” she moaned.
“Tell me you agree,” he demanded.
“I’m fierce,” she agreed.
“All of it,” he growled. “Let me hear all of it. Gorgeous and smart too.”
Anatoly fisted her hair and urged her to look up. “Zan’s right. You need to say those things until you believe them. You need to see yourself as you are.”
“But I’m not,” she whispered with a shudder. “I’m fierce and strong, but I’m not smart or gorgeous.”
“Honey,” Zan said, feeling his heart break. “You’re fucking stunning! You’ve got two guys here with raging hard-ons because of how pretty you are.”
“Dicks like pussy; it doesn’t have to be pretty,” she snapped.
“If you really think that, then I don’t want to do this anymore,” Zan said, feeling hurt by her callous words. Letting go of her, he sat back and reached down to pull off his condom. Before he could take it off, she sat up and reached back to touch his thigh.
“You really mean that?” she asked, looking surprised. “You’d really stop having sex with me if I don’t say I'm pretty?”
“And smart,” he added. Leaning forward, he wrapped his arms around her. “You’re more to me than a quick fuck. I want to make you come, but I want to hold you too. I want to take you shopping and eat meals with you and find out all the little things that make you laugh. I want to turn this into something real.”
“We’ve never invited anyone into our bed,” Anatoly said. Zan could feel all kinds of mixed emotions coming off the vampire, including sorrow for a woman who didn’t realize her worth. “Zan and I have been together for six years and never invited a third into our bed or lives until now. You’re special, Rissa. I hope you’ll give us time to convince you of it.”
“I want to,” she whispered, and Zan could hear the truth in her words. “I’ll try, okay? I can’t promise anything, but I’ll try.”
Hope and relief filled Zan. “That’s all we ask.”
“Does that mean we can go back to having sex now?” she asked, making them chuckle.
“Yes,” Zan agreed, and kissed her shoulder. Anatoly leaned forward to claim her mouth. Zan’s erection had been flagging, but blood poured back in, and his dick was rock hard again.