Page 3 of Deck the Skulls
“I’d like whatever this can get me,” she said. “I like smooth and smoky, but I won’t be picky if it’s got a good kick.”
He eyed the twenty, one of his thick black eyebrows winging up. She got the impression he wasn’t impressed with her crumpled bill. Suddenly feeling underdressed in her old black slacks, nondescript black shirt, and practical black tennis shoes, Rissa started withdrawing the twenty. If she wanted a drink, she should be buying a bottle of something and taking it home, not spending the last of her cash at an overpriced bar.
“Never mind,” she grumped. Before she could withdraw the bill, he plucked it from her hand with startling speed.
“No need to go anywhere,” the guy said. “This is plenty. We’re having a special today. This will get you several drinks of my choice.”
Was he messing with her? “This place doesn't look like it has specials.”
“Tonight we do,” he responded. Turning, he looked through the bottles on the wall until he found the one he wanted. Plucking it off a top shelf, he reached for a tumbler and poured her a generous amount. She was surprised at how clumsy the pour was; he even spilled a little when tipping the bottle. Was this guy a new hire? Usually, places didn’t let brand-new bartenders work alone. Then again, in a bar this fancy, he wasprobably valued for his knowledge of esoteric alcohols instead of practical skills.
Turning back to her, he set the glass down with a clink.
“This should fit all your requirements.” He retrieved his own wineglass. Leaning a hip against the counter, he tipped his glass at her. “Na’Zdorovie!”
“Cheers,” she responded and picked up the glass. The moment the amber liquid hit her tongue, it was obvious she was drinking something expensive and exclusive. The rich flavor filled her mouth and flowed smoothly down her throat.
She might have moaned.
“You approve?” he asked with a chuckle.
“Worth every asshole I had to put up with to earn that twenty,” she agreed.
A sexy scowl formed on the man's face. “Tell me about them, and I’ll present you their skulls as gifts.”
“Aww, that’s sweet,” she cooed. “But I already hit one in the face hard enough to hopefully break his nose.” She held up the drink. “And this is going a long way to making me forget all about it.”
“Then I’m pleased to be of service,” he said. He offered her his hand. “I’m Anatoly Novak.”
She reached across the bar. “Larissa Jones, but call me Rissa.”
Their hands met, and she could’ve sworn she felt a jolt of electricity jump between them. His eyes sharpened, and his hand tightened around hers, making it impossible to pull away.
“Rissa,” he whispered. “Your name flows across my tongue like honey.”
It wasn’t often she was caught by surprise, but the combination of Anatoly’s words and electrifying touch lit up the part of her brain that wanted to purr and rub against him.
Keeping her hand trapped in his, Anatoly leaned over the bar top and put his face close to hers. “I’m going to kiss you, human.”
Her response was to press her lips to his. Then she lost herself in the kiss. Heat flowed across her skin as Anatoly claimed her mouth. His hand cupped her cheek, sending more sparks skittering down her spine.
She heard a moan and was startled to realize it was coming from her. Blindly, she reached until her hand found Anatoly’s shoulder. She could feel hard muscle under the soft fabric of the shirt and had the almost irresistible urge to tug the fabric until the buttons gave up, and she could touch his flesh.
Anatoly ended the kiss and shifted his lips to kiss her jaw, then down her neck. She gasped and moved her head back to give him better access.
Rissa could count on zero fingers the number of times she’d gotten carried away by a kiss. It was an absolute shock for her to open her eyes to realize she was still in a very public bar. She started to sit back, but Anatoly grabbed the back of her head to hold her in place.
“I’m not done yet.”
His growled words should’ve been threatening, but they weren’t. Heat flushed her skin and excitement pooled in her belly. She didn’t fight him when he slotted his mouth over hers again.
She wasn’t usually one for forceful lovers, but this guy was the exception. Putting both hands on the counter, she stretched closer, desperate to have more of him.
A throat cleared, making Anatoly jerk and pull away. Startled by his movement, she overbalanced and tipped forward. Everything happened so fast, Rissa didn’t have time to react. She saw the edge of the floor rushing toward her face. Her fingers scrabbled to find something to grab, but there was nothing but the smooth bar top under her hands.
She closed her eyes to brace for impact, but strong hands grabbed her and lifted her in the air as if she weighed no more than a child.
The world flipped around, and she was set on her feet. The grip on her softened but didn’t let go as she stumbled a little. Opening her eyes, she found herself behind the bar. A stranger stood on the other side of the bar top.