Page 9 of Trapped By Vengeance
Konrad buries his face under his hands. “Your father is not a man with many vulnerabilities. Unfortunately, you were the only one I could find.”
He was so pretty, too. Why did Konrad have to go and expose himself as a fool?
I glance between my cloak and the cabin door. It is unlikely to be locked with him still within. Especially since he thinks I am merely a “vulnerability.”
“What I said stands. No harm will come to you while you are under my charge. Once your father sends the ransom for you, you are free to go.” Konrad glances back up, his expression pained.
I can use that. “Tell me,” I demand imperially, even as I waver unnecessarily to create a façade of weakness. “Is your plan the reason you cut your kiss short . . . Or why you kissed me back in the first place?”
Konrad’s eyes widen, and his ears turn red. He turns away from me. “I assure you— our kiss didn’t factor into my plans at all. And I apologize for the terrible lapse of chivalry this has all been—”
Ignoring the rest of his ridiculous apology, I dart from my bed to my cloak. I yank it off its hook and pull it over me as I rush to the door. It truly is unlocked, and I bound onto the deck.
There are several men bustling around, but I dance between them as I scan my surroundings. Just as I feared, it’s ocean all around. But I think I see the silhouette of Trotzdem on the horizon. I think I can swim it, but . . .
I glance toward the sun. It hangs too low on the horizon. I won’t be able to reach shore before sunset.
“The prisoner escaped!”
At the high-pitched squeak, I glance up at the crow’s nest from beneath my hood. Little Eloise is perched up there and gesturing at me wildly.
The little snitch . . .
A man turns toward me from where he was tying knots. He has no hair to blow with the breeze, and I remember him as the first man who attacked us— well,me— at the wharf.
He gives me a toothless grin as he approaches. “Hello again, little missy.”
Suddenly, Konrad slides between us, his hair in disarray as he fills my vision. His frock coat billows behind him, and he looks like a pirate in this setting— an unfortunately attractive pirate compared to these other fellows, who seem unfamiliar with personal hygiene.
“Valda, I’m sorry,” he gasps, gripping me by the elbow.
I try to pull away, but with the audience we have, I don’t let myself succeed. “For which offense? The kidnapping or the kiss?”
My scowl deepens.
Konrad’s eyes widen in confusion. “Just the kidnapping? Just the kiss?”
“Let’s focus on your graver sin right now.” I make my face fall, hoping the water droplets gifted by the sea breeze look enough like tears as I infuse sorrow into my voice. “Just take me back. I swear by all the saints I won’t turn you in if you release me.”
My captor sighs heavily, seeming as aware of our audience as I am. “I’m afraid I can’t do that. But your stay here will be comfortable and—”
I release a dramatic sob. “I’m so scared!”
“Please do not be afeared!” Konrad awkwardly pulls me into his arms where I have decided I definitely donotbelong, warm embrace or not. “No harm will come—”
Pushing out of his arms, I use his moment of unsteadiness to topple him overboard.
As he yells his ironic last word to me in surprise, I lean over the bulkhead. “Thatwas for the kiss.”
Chapter Five
I’m scowling and soaking wet when I finish climbing the rope tossed down to me and swing onto the deck.
Eloise has finally descended from the crow’s nest and is an absolute fit of giggles at my appearance.