Page 43 of Marcus-stiltskin
“It’s going to sound really stupid. I should know better.”
“Know better about what?”
I look down at my plate, embarrassed. “Most clubs I worked at were pretty cut-throat. Everyone was competing with everyone else. No one gave you a break. But the Lamars always made me feel like part of their pack, and so I thought…”
“They’d take care of you when things got tough? When you needed them the most, when something beyond your control happened while you were doing your job? I don’t think I have any idea what that feels like, honestly.” he says deadpan, but with amusement in his eyes.
I offer him a half smile. “Well, it sucks, and this doesn’t come close to comparing what happened to you and Lugh, but I’m glad I’m not the only one.”
“Don’t ever feel bad about trusting people who went out of their way to make you feel like you could, only to leave you on your own in the end. That’s a problem on their end, not yours.”
I nod. “But I should have known. It’s just a job and I’m just a human. Of course, I’m not part of the pack. I’m just some chick who dances at their club.”
“Unless that whole witch thing comes with mind-reading, there’s nothing you could have done.”
I sigh. “It sucks.”
He nods and takes another bite. “Tell me about it.”
Chapter Seventeen
In Which Halloween Approaches
As the days grow slightly cooler, and September flows into October, controlling my magic continues to elude me. I do all the journaling, all the grounding, and even add in meditation, but nothing seems to help.
Esmer is the most patient teacher I’ve ever had. She doesn’t seem upset at all that it takes me weeks to master lighting a candle on fire. She and Freddie K. take to each other right away. They get along so well, I start to feel like I’m more of a third wheel than the focus of our lessons. I’d be lying if I said it bothered me. Controlling my magic seems nearly impossible.
The one bright spot–well second one, if you count not having to drag myself through apprenticeship–is that Zach and Randy give me two more days a week, after some pressure from Darla and Zander. They aren’t good days. I’m now working the two days Zander’s in charge (Monday and Tuesday) while still keeping the days Darla picks up hours (Friday and Saturday.) I’ll take what I can get.
I get all kinds of teasing from Ella and Shania for never being home anymore, but staying at Marcus’s offers way moreprivacy than bringing him back to my room. Plus we have all the animals. And by we, I mean him… except for Willow.
Even though Freddie K. is my familiar, it’s Willow who becomes my shadow, following me everywhere I go. She’s at my side as I help Marcus scoop up crap, she’s there as I fill up water troths, she’s there waiting anytime I step outside to go to work. The one time Marcus leaves for an overnight trip to get some appointments done at the VA, she, somehow, makes it through the fence and is tapping at the window of my room bright and early. There is no escaping Willow. She’s growing on me, but a little personal space would be amazing. Marcus just laughs and shakes his head.
Meanwhile, Ramona becomes our resident escape artist, disappearing nearly every afternoon as Halloween approaches. I guess she got a taste of freedom and decided she liked it. Randy Lamar becomes a regular visitor around the house, riding her back when she pops up at the Wild Hare. It becomes such a nuisance that Marcus talks about selling her.
Between my magic and work, I have never felt so stuck in my life. I can’t keep doing this, but I am at a loss as to what else to do.
In true employer “we’ll make an exception because we need you fashion,” Zach Lamar asks me to work Halloween night. I’m tempted to say no, especially when he tells me I’d be working the floor as a cocktail waitress and not dancing, but my bank account is looking pretty bleak, even with my newly added days and Marcus feeding me “to keep my strength up” for our nights together.
“You sure you want to help them out like that?” Marcus asks me when I tell him at dinner.
“No,” I sigh. “But my bank account is not looking so great.”
“You know I’d help you any way I can with that. All you have to do is say the word.”
I shake my head. “That’s very sweet of you, but I can’t ask that of you. You’re still getting settled and these animals eat like the world’s running out of hay. Besides, I probably just need to suck it up and start looking for something else.”
He takes a few more bites of his food before he raises an eyebrow in my direction. “So, do you think I could come?”
“To the Wild Hare?”
“I mean, if you don’t want me too…”
“You wouldn’t get to see me dance on stage, but we have some group dances we do throughout the night in costume that you’d get to see. I’d love it if you came. You don’t have to stay the whole night. It would just be fun to have you there.”
“Really? You wouldn’t feel weird?”
I laugh. “Are you kidding? I’d love to show you off to all the girls I work with.”