Page 48 of Marcus-stiltskin
“You said you trusted me. So trust me.” Using his hand to guide his cock, he thrusts inside me in one quick motion. Fast and hard is not Marcus’s thing. He’s more of a steady guy, but he wastes no time, rocking his hips back before slamming into me in one quick thrust.
I suck a quick breath through my teeth as he slams into me again. It’s hard not to fight against my restraints when all I want to do is wrap my arms around him and pull him even closer.
“Marcus,” I breathe, “faster, plea–”
He readjusts the weight on his arms and begins to move faster, the movement of his body and his weight pressing me into the mattress as he works.
“Harder please–” I start to beg, and he slams into me with more force than before, but still, it’s not enough. He seems to sense it and begins to drill into me at a pace I would have never called sexy before I felt Marcus start it. Somehow it’s all different being tied down, forced to take it.
Our breathing grows labored as the slap of his skin against mine becomes the only other sound in the room. I’m not a screamer, but the sounds I’m making make me grateful Marcus lives alone. I’ve never been this close to an orgasm with just a cock before.
“Fuck, keep going, Marcus. Please. I’m so close.”
And bless the man, he’s going to be sore for days, but he does, slamming into me until I’m practically screaming his name as the first orgasm I’ve ever had thanks exclusively to a cock shakes me to the core. My body refuses to let it go. I feel myself clenching around his cock and he groans, finally dropping on top of me.
I really want to wrap my arms around him, but first, I have to breathe again. I lay still, even as my entire lower body shutters over and over again.
“Can you release my arms?” I finally manage to say after a long moment. He loosens the straps until I can finally free my wrists. I wrap my arms around him and pull him close to my body.
His chest hairs tickle my bare skin in the best way. “I’ve made a mess on your bed,” I whisper in his ear.
He chuckles and whispers back. “Then this thing was worth every penny.”
Chapter Nineteen
In Which We See If We Can Get Through A Halloween Without Drama
Halloween falls on a Thursday. It’s not the best day for Halloween, but it’s certainly not the worst.
I leave for the Wild Hare ahead of Marcus to get set up. It’s been a while since I worked as a cocktail waitress and while it’s not a hard job, I still want to get myself organized before the craziness begins.
“Are you ready for tonight?” Zach Lamar asks as I step behind the bar and start working on my tray. On big nights like Halloween, when the club is full and they try to get women in too, we end up selling drinks like vendors at a baseball stadium–with these trays that strap around our neck and across our backs for support. Fortunately, we aren’t carrying the 40-60 pounds those guys are, but it still will be a long, exhausting night.
“I’m ready for anything,” I reply too confidently.
“Good. Darla can’t make it in tonight, so I’m going to need you to stay as close to the bar as possible.”
I bite back the sigh that threatens to escape my lips. Of course I’d need to stay by the bar. We can’t miss any opportunity for a dollar, but we also can’t trust the employee we’ve known for overa year. I stop filling my tray and look up at Zach. “Are you sure you don’t just want me to work behind the bar?”
He shakes his head. “Naw, we’ve got enough help back here tonight. Just keep within a few tables of the bar, pick up what you can from the people close by.”
What I’ll be picking up is absolutely nothing. People sitting by the bar tend to just go up to the bar for their refills where there are more options than the few things I can carry around.
“If you still don’t trust me to be here, then you should have just told me to stay home.”
He frowns. “It’s not that. It’s just that it’s going to be a crazy night. Anything can happen and we can’t afford for you to have another incident–”
“One, it wasn’t an incident. I was being sexually assaulted. I’m not out here attacking random customers.” I feel my cheeks heat as my voice grows louder with frustration. “Two, I thought you were giving me an opportunity to make up some of the money I’m losing, but now I’m going to be making nothing. Everyone close to the bar is just going to want bar drinks. They’ll tip when they cash out.” I can feel the anger rise up in my chest. I suck in a breath and release it slowly. Setting Zach Lamar on fire will not help anything.
“Steely, I’m sorry, we just can’t–”
“Can’t or won’t? I’d appreciate it, if you and Randy were just straight with me. If you don’t feel like I should work here anymore, then–”
“Hey, don’t stress,” Zander says, appearing out of nowhere. It’s as if he has discord radar. “I can guard you for a bit tonight,” he says to me. “We’ll rotate everyone’s areas a couple of times so no one ends up in a shitty area. I’m sure all the girls would appreciate that.”
Zander looks between me and his brother. Zach sighs. “Do you really have time to follow her around?”
“Does Red have time for you to interview new dancers right before the wedding because you’ve pissed off our current ones?”