Page 68 of Marcus-stiltskin
He laughs. “Your priorities were good, even at fifteen.”
I roll my eyes as I stand on tiptoe to kiss my new fiance.
“Do you think you have time to see to some of those priorities now?” he asks, hopefully.
I laugh. “Now that everyone’s gone, I think I could definitely be in the mood to collect another data point.”
“Or two?” he says, tugging me to the bedroom.
“Or two.”
“You know what my biggest regret is?” Marcus is standing outside the bay with me as we survey the new barn the Dvergar got done just in time for an early snow.
“Joining the Army?”
He snorts. “Okay, fine. Do you know what my most recent regret is?”
“No clue.”
“Not getting to see you dance before you quit the Wild Hare.”
Now that we’re engaged, Marcus and I officially live together. It was slightly more terrifying to move in together than to say yes to his proposal. Moving in seemed so permanent–I’ve never lived with a man, but it was time. Marcus had gotten all the paperwork together to officially start his animal sanctuary, fittingly named Willow’s Place. Ella was off to law school and Shania had found a place in the city. Things were moving so quickly, but it still felt right. Were those famous last words? Do all people who move quickly think that? I decided to let Lugh be the judge, but it didn’t seem to phase him at all.
“It’s not like you haven’t known him forever. You’ve been waiting for this since you were fifteen,” he said when I first told him and Jacqueline.
It’s a lot of change all at the same time, but for once, it’s a good thing. I turn and look at Marcus suspiciously. “You would have totally thrown whatever jacket or shirt you had on at the time and dragged me out of there.”
He chuckles, “Yeah, probably, but still…I bet it’s pretty hot.” He sounds so wistful I almost laugh.
“You know we can fix that?”
He pulls me close. “How? Do they have an amateur night that you can crash?”
I shake my head. “No, but I’m surprised they haven’t tried that.” I put my hands on his cheeks. “Marcus, you are missing the most obvious solution.”
He smiles, “I’m not following.”
“You have a built-in pole.”
He starts to laugh. “The fireman’s pole?”
“They slid down it, right?”
“Yeah, I guess, but it’s in the bay. You’re going to freeze your ass off.”
I shrug. “We can bring a space heater. It won’t be very long, then you can keep me warm.”
“You’re serious?”
“Unless you don’t want me to dance…”
He grabs me by the hand and drags me inside. “Alright, what do you need me to do?”
I laugh at his eagerness. “Get yourself a chair and find the heater. I’ll be there in a minute. Oh, and take your pants off.”
“Do all your customers get to show up in boxers?”