Page 8 of Wild Scottish Rose
“No.” Ryan winced as he shook his head gently. “I didn’t dive. I was chased.”
“Chased? By what, Ryan?” I glanced to the IV bag hooked up to Ryan’s arm and wondered just what type of pain meds they were giving him.
“I don’t know, man. You’ve gotta investigate. It wasn’t…real.”
Concern filled me.We need to wait to see what his brain injuries are. Were these delusions?
“What do you mean?”
“Like…something rose out of the water. Attacked. Like, I don’t know, a Nessie or something. I’m telling you, Owen. You gotta investigate. If ever someone could find out what’s going on here, you can. This could be your next big documentary.” Despite his injured condition, excitement gleamed in Ryan’s eyes, which told me that he believed this to be true.
“You’re certain? You took a pretty big knock to your head, man.”
“I know. I can feel it. It’s true though, something’s going on in this town, Owen. You gotta figure it out.”
For the last ten years, I’d worked with many different types of people. Some, I wouldn’t trust as far as I could throw them. I’d learned that from my dad as well. Very few gave me reason to trust them. Except Ryan. He was blunt, honorable, and someone I trusted without a shadow of doubt.And he was spooked by something he believes is real. I think.
When his eyes fluttered closed again, andhe drifted into sleep again, I plopped back down, my heart racing in my chest. Pulling out my phone, I looked up the name of the town again and then opened the Airbnb website. Searching for longer term, I landed on a brand-new listing.
Cozy, private cottage with magickal garden woodland.
I booked on the spot.
“Awhole month?”
I blinked down at my phone, certain I was reading the dates on the new booking request for the cottage wrong. I thought I’d put a block on longer stays, not wanting to provide for long-term tenants, but now I realized in my haste to get the listing up I’d missed a few things.
“A month,” I repeated, my finger hovering over the Accept Booking button. I was going into a slower time of year for myself, so the extra money would be nice. I squinted at the tiny image next to the guest’s name. Owen Williams. Something tingled in the back of my neck, a recognition of sorts, but I couldn’t quite place it, and the image was too tiny for me to make out his face clearly. However, he had a good rating in his guest profile, andbefore the nerves that twisted my stomach in knots got the better of me, I clicked accept.
“There. It’s done. Oh, crap.” I realized that I hadn’t paid close enough attention to the actual booking date. “He’s arriving today. Today. Damn it. I didn’t know there was same-day bookings.” Panicked, I dialed Agnes.
“Hiya, Shona. I’m just home from the hospital now. Looks like the lad will be on the mend soon enough.”
Right, the lad who the Kelpies hurt. I shook my head, forcing my panic back to focus on Agnes for a moment. She’d been kind enough to accompany the hurt man to the hospital, while Sophie and Lachlan ran interference on the shore. Luckily, it was midweek and a slow day for tourists. Nevertheless, Loren Brae was in full damage control mode and on full alert. I couldn’t remember the last time someone had actually been hurt by the Kelpies, unless we took Lachlan’s mother into account from decades ago.
“Thank goodness they got to him as quickly as they did. That was … it was something else, Agnes. I don’t quite have words for it.”
Since the Kelpies were magick, did that mean other magick existed here as well?
I didn’t say that, instead focusing on Agnes’s words as I picked up the keys for the cottage, along with a basket of welcome goodies that she’d put together for her photos, and strode through my dark garden. I couldn’t imagine who would be arriving so late to the cottage, but I wanted to have the lights on and everything ready for check-in.
“It’s what I wanted to talk to you about. You’ve been so busy, and there’s been so much going on…it’s about the Kelpies. We need more help. I’m on my way to the castle now for an emergency meeting. If my hunch is correct, we’re going to be calling you soon.”
“Me?” I stopped short at the cottage door, putting the basket down as I dug out the key. “I’m always happy to help when I can, you know that.”
“I know. But…well, let me just see. I’ll get back to you after I talk to Sophie.”
“Why was Sophie the one to ride out to help the lad in the canoe?” I pushed the door open, flipping the lights on inside the cottage, and carried the basket to the kitchen counter. “Isn’t she scared? She hasn’t lived here all that long.”
“Part of what I want to talk to you about. Listen, I have to go.”
“Wait!” I said, my voice panicked. “Before you go. I got a booking.”
“Did you? Already? That’s grand, Shona.”