Page 26 of Butterfly Effect
“Sure,the rest is history.” Fletch breaks his silence, still bemused. “There’s been so many women, and you’ve never?—”
I stand. “What are you trying to say?”
“I’m saying…I have no idea what you’re trying to pull, Wade, but I’m not buying it.”
Landon and Indi return. She looks a little better. “She’s fine,” he affirms softly. “Must’ve eaten something funky.”
“I’m not trying to pull anything, Fletch.”
“You don’t even know each other,” Indi cuts in.
“We know each other well enough. Like,biblically.”
Her eyes roll. She does that a lot. It’s warranted because I’d be rolling my eyes at myself if I could.
“Don’t remind me. I meant, like, you don’t know anything about her.”
“Sure, I do,” I retort.
Indi’s beady little lawyer eyes narrow, seeking out the truth. “When’s her birthday?”
“Oh, it’s in…” Gabe offers no clues. I have no idea what her expression means. April’s as good of a guess as any. “Ayy,” —she clears her throat with a forced cough, creating anowith her mouth— “Ahh-October.”
I know it’s not real, but Gabe beams. Something inside my gut somersaults.
Indi responds with a pursed mouth. “Lucky guess.”
“False. I knew! In fact, I had a surprise planned for her birthday. Thanks for ruining it. Nicely done.” I give her a golf clap. She rolls her eyes again. “Not that it’s any of your business, but it’s been, what, twelve hours since we got together?” I peer over my shoulder. Gabe agrees. “Everything I know so far I like.”
Where the lie ends, and the truth begins is a blur.
“Gabe is smart, we have similar interests…” I continue, “Not to mention she’s gorgeous. Almost as gorgeous as me. And I don’t think it hurts that I have a huge dick.”
Groan after groan bellow out as they swat the comment away. Can’t have them thinking I’m too serious.
“This is what I’m talking about.” Indi motions to me. “Gabe, come on. Tell me what’s going on. You can’t possibly be dating this…this…”
Gabe’s height nearly matches mine when she rises. “Go on.”
“You’ve said it before. He’s young and immature and has problems with…commitment.”
Her left eye twitches. “You mean he sleeps around.”
A set of Gabe’s fingers delicately thread through mine. They tense around my knuckles, firm and protective. The flitting movements in my stomach return.
What’s this?
“That’s such bullshit, Indi. Yeah, he’s younger than me. And okay, he can be immature, but the same goes for the rest ofthese guys. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t have good qualities. And it doesn’t give you a right to slut-shame him. Hell, you once told me he was sweet and was growing on you. I’m surprised, Skylar. I never thought you’d stop him from wanting to be with someone.”
Sky’s mouth pops open and closed.
Gabe tugs me closer. “You guys are supposed to be his team? His brothers, his best friends? Aren’t you ashamed? You’re supposed to be happy for us. We’re together. You don’t have to like it, but you have to respect it.”