Page 68 of Butterfly Effect
Pride beams through the well-loved bastard. Obviously, the two are disgustingly obsessed with each other, but Indi always kept her sharp edge. Suddenly, it’s a plastic, collapsible knife, like the ones used in stage plays.
I seek Wade’s attention to exchange a confirming “did-you-see-what-I-saw?” regarding her softened behavior, but it’s already on me. He blinks and recomposes a welcoming smile toward his teammate.
“Alright, Landy. Let’s grab a beer.”
More guests come in. Most of the team arrives, led by Fletcher Donovan, Theron Olsen, and Blake Szeczin, before people from the network, Mel, Jordan, my camerawoman Denise, and her partner, Jen, enter.
Mel and Jordan simultaneously widen their eyes and mouthwowin greeting. I play it cool and direct them to the bar with a polite smile. They reply with a thumbs up and an exaggerated wink. I quietly groan.
Subtle. Real subtle.
It’s not long before realizing Indi is my only real friend there. I need a drink. Luckily, there’s champagne being served with appetizers.
“Bea couldn’t make it?” I ask her.
“Sorry,” Indi says through a bite of a mini bruschetta at one of the high tables, then rests her head against my shoulder. “She was so sad to miss it. The articling program in Toronto is super demanding. I blocked those grueling eight months from memory.”
My lips envelop the circumference of a champagne flute, and I throw back the drink in one gulp.
“That’s a handy trick.”
“Mmm.” I keep down a cough when Wade’s eyes reach mine from the bar. I grab two more from a passing server’s tray and offer it to her.
“No, thanks.” She snags a few skewered caprese bites. “I’m so hungry.”
“I think there’s red wine somewhere here, too.”
There’s that green look on Indi’s face again.
“No red wine? Who are you, and what have you done to my friend?”
She hushes me and swats my hand away. “I’m serious. I’m all ‘wined out’ from Italy.”
Skylar and Derrick Jaeger’s arrival cuts our conversation short.
Wade hugs them first; then, she extends her arms my way. The tiny thing only comes up to my shoulder, even in heels.
“Happy birthday, Gabe!”
“Thanks for coming.”
Her hand squeezes my shoulder. “We wouldn’t skip it for the world.”
I don’t miss the approving glance she sends to her best friend, whose smirk has returned. “He did good, don’t you think?”
“Uh, y-yeah,” I stammer. “It’s beautiful.”
“He’s kinda known for throwing the most insane parties, but they’re usually not this classy.” She inhales deeply and reaches for her husband’s hand. “It smells incredible in here. Glad you cleaned up, Wade.”
“Hey, it’s always clean.”
“Only because of the cleaners. And even then, there’s always the threatening odor of your musty socks in the air.”
Wade’s face stills. “Skylar,” he chides through his teeth.
Derrick Jaeger chokes back a laugh. I think it’s the first time I’ve seen him smile.