Page 95 of Butterfly Effect
His mouth practically waters at the suggestion. I cup his chin and deny him. “Maybe next time you can taste me. Right now, you’ll have to settle for tasting yourself.”
He quivers when I give him a tongue-filled kiss but doesn’t come.
A double pat to his cheek doles out my approval.
“Good boy.”
Wade crumbles, shuffling forward while pulling up his shorts and face-plants into bed. His flattened palm slaps the sheeted surface as if tapping out of a wrestling ring.
I gloat.
I won.
“That was fun, Pretty Boy. We’ll have to do this again.”
He puts up two fingers in a weak salute, still face down.
This entire exchange puts me in such a good mood, I sing in the shower and get dressed while whistling an upbeat refrain. Wade remains in his face-down position as I zip up my gym bag.
“You alive?” I poke one meaty buttcheek from the side.
His words muffle from within the mattress. “Barely, no thanks to you.”
“You regret telling me to use you now, don’t ya?”
Wade’s chest rises and falls through an extended breath. I brace for him to tell me to fuck off and never come back. That he’s done dealing with me.
But clear as day, he says, “Not even a little bit.”
Pride floats me right to my car.
Almost to the parkade exit, I reach for my phone to text Mel, letting her know I’m on my way but running a few minutes late, screeching to a halt when I realize it isn’t there.
Damn. I must’ve left it on the nightstand.
Mumbling a string offucksto no one but myself, I re-park and rush back into the building, snickering at the memory of denying Wade a proper finish.
I punch in the key code and jog to the bedroom, hoping to make a quick exit. But I am horribly unprepared for what I find instead of my phone.
Wade Boehner. Stark naked. Leaning against the same spot on the headboard as I’d been. Massive, hard cock in hand, afamiliar nude lace bunched around the erect length. Moaning with every stroke. His mouth envelopes something pink.
My car keys fall to the floor in a sharp clang. My mouth joins them.
“Back to torment me some more?” He spits the toy out and motions to its lifeless form next to him. “I cleaned up your mess.”
A knot lodges itself in my throat. His desperation—holy fuck. My fresh panties are in danger.
His eyes sparkle, lips tilting up in one corner, continuing to pump my used, cum-soaked panties down his length.
It’s aggravatingly hot.
“Well? What’ll it be, Freckles? You gonna stand there and stare, or you gonna sit on this cock and ride me until you’re spent?”
Chapter 17
Wanna See Something Cool?