Page 30 of Branson's Promise
Then, he pulled Noel away from me, turning his face and covering Noel’s lips with his own. My cock, now hard as steel, pressed uncomfortably against Branson while I watched the two of them. We switched again, Branson kissing me, then Noel taking over, then Branson kissing Noel until we were a collection of panting breaths, roaming hands and hard cocks.
“So, are we doing this?” Branson asked breathlessly and they both looked at me.
I smiled and nodded. Yes, yes, fuck yes.
Chapter 15
Elation, euphoria - the perfect words to describe the happiness that bubbled inside me in the presence of Milo and Branson. Every nerve ending in my body was firing, pleasure tingling through my limbs as I switched from kissing one gorgeous man to kissing the other. Calling on all my willpower, I pulled away from them, standing up and adjusting myself while they both looked at me. Eyes hazy with lust, chests rising and falling with rapid breaths.
“As much as I would love to strip you both naked and spend hours giving you every drop of my attention, we should talk.”
Branson groaned and pouted like the little brat I seriously adored. “I know you’re right daddy, but my dick is not on board with this plan. Not at all.” From beneath him, Milo chuckled and then threw him off so he landed on the sofa with a huff.
They both waited in silence, presumably for me to say something. I let out a breath and sat on the armchair opposite.
“I think it’s pretty clear there is attraction between all of us. You already know Branson and I are together and, um, we were wondering if you, do you think -”Fuck me, for the first time in forever I was stumbling over my words. As badly as I had the day I’d asked Matthias Barker out in year six.
“You’re pretty cute when you fumble about old man,” Branson joked before turning to face Milo.
“What Noel is trying to say is that he and I are together and we want you to be with us too. At the risk of sounding too high school - we’d like you to be our boyfriend.”
Milo was silent for a moment, his gaze moving from Bran, back to me.
“Why me?” he asked and I hated the insecurity that lined his face.
“Because being with you and Branson makes me feel like I’m standing on the edge of something great and you’re both there with me - likeweare the great thing. And Branson agrees - we want this Milo, we want you. And I really think we could be amazing together.”
Milo nodded but kept looking between us, his brow furrowed as he worked through what Noel had just said. “How would this work? Logistically, I mean?”
Branson kicked his feet up on the table. “Well, I’m vers so I -” Milo interrupted him, knocking Bran’s foot with his own.
“I didn’t mean sexually. I am one hundred percent certain we will have no issues navigating that. But you and I live together,Bran. Isn’t that going to cause some jealousy for you, Noel? We’ll be together more often.”
Milo had a point. One I hadn’t considered. It wasn’t quite the right time to bring up the fact that I had hoped they would move in with me. Even though I was lost in this instalove I felt towards both of them (a term I’d recently heard on a podcast and that seemed to fit these whirlwind feelings of mine) I knew better than to move at such a hasty pace. Especially where my little artist was concerned. There was still the chance he disliked me for a reason I had yet to decipher. “We can set guidelines, boundaries of sorts, and I think as long as we communicate openly and respect each other's feelings, we can make it work.”
Branson nodded, then added, “And to be clear, this relationship will always only be the three of us. I’m not sharing either of you with anyone else.”
Milo sucked his bottom lip between his teeth then blew out a breath. He had something on his mind, I could tell. “What is it, Milo?” I asked.
“Um…I know you saw my scars.” He looked at Branson. “Please don't ask me about them. I can't, um… I don't want to talk about it.” Though I could see Branson wanted to say something, he didn't. In time maybe Milo would learn that he could trust us. We both made small noises of agreement.
I only had one more question for Milo, and I wasn’t sure whether he would be open to answering it or not. But as we’d just established, communication was important.
“Milo, I do want to know something though.” He visibly tensed, his shoulders drawing together as he sat up straight, removing his legs from the table and resting his elbows on his knees. “When we first met, and even while we were away, before we kissed, you seemed somewhat hostile towards me. May I know why?”
He dropped his head and was silent a moment before lifting back up and addressing my question. “I don’t want to go into it, I don’t think my past has any implications on this relationship but in short, it’s your nonchalant attitude towards money.”
“My attitude towards money?” I asked, confused.
“Yeah, the way you throw it around, like when you promise expensive trips and try to replace our perfectly good furniture.”
I opened my mouth to speak and he interrupted me with a hand up. “And I know this is my issue and not yours. Trust me, I know. When we first met, I judged you harshly in line with perceptions built over years of knowing men just like you - or who I thought were just like you. I don’t want to go into more detail but I will say, I was wrong and I shouldn't have judged you so quickly. And I’m sorry for that.”
He stood then, taking me by surprise when he walked over to the chair I was in and leaned over me, placing a hand on each armrest. Looking directly into my eyes, straight into my motherfucking soul, his brown eyes deep and earnest he said, “I really am sorry.” And with that he pressed his mouth to mine and kissed me, his tongue slowly sliding inside. I moaned, pulling him abruptly onto my lap and kissing him back with every bit of my unrestrained desire.
So many questions ran through my mind, but they were silenced when he slid his hand down my chest and rested it over the hard outline of my dick. “Forgive me,” he breathed against my lips and I replied, not breaking the contact, “You have nothing to be forgiven for.” He kissed me again, his lips sweet and tender against my own before he pulled away, glancing over at Branson and then turning back to me.