Page 46 of Branson's Promise
Branson’s ass clenched around my fingers, and I started thrusting them in and out, pressing against his prostate as Milomade obscene sounds around his shaft, sucking and moaning and growling as he brought our boyfriend closer and closer to the edge. With one final thrust, I removed my fingers, and positioned myself next to Branson, covering his lips with mine and pressing my tongue into his mouth.
We devoured him, worshipped him. Brought him to the peak of pleasure and held him there until he was crashing down, and I ate up his cries as Milo sucked down every drop of his release.
Again, I heard it, the incessant ringing of a phone. It was Milo who pulled away when he noticed the ringing too.
“Shit,” he said, wiping a drop of cum from the corner of his lip then jumped off the bed and grabbed the device. Branson and I turned to face him as he answered the call. The sounds of a woman’s voice and intermittent sobs sounded faintly through the phone. “Mia, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Milo started moving around the room, finding his shirt, socks and shoes and pulling them on. “I’ll be right there, promise.”
Chapter 24
My heart thudded wildly as the taxi moved at a snail’s pace through the city. It had been years since I’d last heard Mia cry and never had I heard her so upset. I could barely make out her words, as they were swallowed by her sobs and hiccups.
Branson and Noel had offered to come with me, but it was too much. Dealing with whatever it was that upset Mia, and taking them to my childhood home. I couldn’t do it, not yet, and in my haste to get away, I’d shut them out, simply telling them no and slamming the door behind me. I’d deal with the apology I owed them later. One fire at a time.
By the time I reached my father’s place, it was dark out. Mia had assured me he had left and she didn’t think he’d be back anytime soon, though she couldn’t be sure. So there was a chance I’d run into him but, for my sister, I would take the risk.
Stepping through the front door of the place I had once home, I took in my surroundings. It no longer had any of the defining features of what a home really meant to me. No fond memories, no comforting features, or smells that soothed me. No laughter or jokes or anything that was truly mine. It was nothing but a building, devoid of anything meaningful.
The only thing in it that meant anything to me was my sister and I ached to scoop her up and out of it.
Mia crashed into me, and I hugged her tightly, rubbing her back as she sobbed, her tears soaking into my Henley.
“Shhh,” I soothed and she sniffled. “It’ll be okay.”
She pulled back then, a scowl mixing with her sadness. “It won’t though, will it? I have no way out. I’m not like you, I don’t have a talent I can make a business out of and I don’t have the money to pay my own way. I’m a nineteen-year-old student with no skills, I’m trapped here.” Mia swept her hands around the spacious entryway. It was cold and bland - white walls with no art, no life, nothing but a large cream rug and a lifeless fake potted plant standing sadly on one side.
“Tell me what happened, Mi.” I didn’t want to step even one foot further into the house, but Mia motioned for me to follow her into the large, open planned kitchen. Each step deeper inside had my pulse spiking and the pinch in my lungs told me I was holding my breath. This was often how my panic attacks started - withholding air until my head spun, my chest tightening as I struggled to take in any air - and I put great effort into steadying my breathing, not wanting to go into full on panic mode when I was trying to be there for her.
I followed Mia into the kitchen and took a stool on one side of the breakfast bar while she went to the fridge and started pouring us drinks. Placing the cold sodas in front of us, she rubbed at her wet, red eyes before speaking.
“I told him I’m unhappy, that these classes are not for me and that I don’t want to work in tech or security. I told him that the only class I enjoy is my English one. I begged him to let me change my major. I begged, Milo. I told him that I’d make him proud doing something I loved, but he just shook his head and told me this was the deal. I either do what he says, go to every class or I can forget all about the one and only subject I like. He said that when I’m done and working alongside him, I’ll be glad I listened to him.”
Gritting my teeth, I bit back the words I wanted to say. Anger bubbled inside me, pushing at my skin in an attempt to break through. I feared though that if I let the anger out, it would be hard to contain.
“Oh, and it gets worse.”
I raised an eyebrow, not sure how it could possibly be worse than a father manipulating his child the way he was. I knew he’d never hit her or harm her physically, not the way he had me. She was safe around him at the very least. His hatred of me was all down to the blame he laid on my shoulders for my mother’s death.
“He suggested I go on a date with some client’s son. Like, why the fuck would I want to do that? He is trying to control everything, Milo, and I can’t do it. But what choice do I have?”
I thought about the choices I had made to get away from our father. How I’d had to work multiple jobs for six years until I had enough money to leave. How in those six years he’d talked down to me and even hit me when he thought I was disrespecting him, and how I’d cried myself to sleep believing I was as useless ashe always said. I couldn’t stand by and let him do this to Mia. I wouldn’t let him dampen that light inside her.
“I’ll help you. You can come live with me and we’ll make a plan. I don’t have the money to pay for your schooling, yet. But we can see what grants are available and I’ll get a weekend job. I promise you, I’ll make it work.”
Mia’s eyes widened seconds before the air in the room shifted.
“Like hell you will.” My father’s commanding voice came from behind me while my blood froze, like ice had been thrown over me.
Standing, I turned to face the man who hated me so much.
“Mia is not happy. Why don’t you let her do what she wants? I’m sure there are plenty of qualified people who could work alongside you.” It was the first time I had ever spoken up to him, but I was bolstered by the courage that suddenly lived in me, the knowing that I could get away because I had a life, a better life outside these walls.
“Don’t stick your nose where it’s not wanted, Milo. I suggest you turn around and leave, you’re not welcome here,” he spat, stepping closer to me. For a brief second I wanted to turn and run but I didn’t, pressing down on my feet and feeling the solid ground below me.
“I’m sticking my nose in because I’m not going to just watch you ruin Mia’s life. You’re selfish and she doesn’t deserve this.” Not taking my eyes off of him, I said to Mia, “Mi, grab your things, let’s go.”
My father’s face contorted, rage morphing his features into the man - the monster - I had grown to fear. “Mia, you will do no such thing.” I turned towards my sister, watching as she paled, tears spilling from her eyes. I went to reach for her, moving to get around the breakfast bar but he grabbed my upper arm, hard enough to bruise and then spun me around.