Page 23 of The Chosen Son
I propped my elbows on the table and leaned across toward Cameron, catching a whiff of his scent, which had my cock stirring. “Trust me when I say nobody wants Dionysus at the party,” I stage-whispered, and when he graced me with his attention, I nearly preened like a cat. “Under his influence, we tend to drink far too much, and it’s all downhill from there.” My comment earned glares from both Semele and Autonoe, who was a big fan of Dion’s plays.
“Elbows off the table,” my mother interrupted, nudging my chair with her hip on the way past, laden with a serving bowl of mashed potatoes, which she set in the middle of the table. “What are youall waiting for? Please, serve yourselves. We don’t stand on ceremony here.”
It was like she’d issued a challenge to who could fill their plates first, and everyone grabbed for serving platters, Ino even going so far as to stab her sister Poly’s hand with her fork in order to get the best cut of meat.
I looked across at Cameron, whose eyes had gone round, his jaw hanging slack as he took in the bruhaha. He wisely kept his hands in his lap and leaned back to avoid spatter. Phobos, meanwhile, had turned toward Agave on his other side, asking after her maenads. Since he was ignoring the target of my interest, I saw this as the perfect opening.
“Don’t be shy, Cameron,” I said, standing up so I could lean across and snatch up his empty plate. “You just have to make a plan of attack then dive right in.”
“Wait, I—” He made to grab the plate back from me, but he was too late. I’d already started piling it high with food.
I dodged around my nieces with practiced ease, snatching up the choicest morsels before there was nothing left. Roast lamb, potatoes, honey-glazed carrots, a pillowy roll my mother had made fresh this morning. “There you are, Cam. Eat up.”
“Th-thank you,” he stuttered, shaking his head, “though I don’t think I could possibly eat this much.”
“Don’t be silly. You need to keep up your strength.” I hadn’t meant for it to come out sounding like an invitation to embark on sexy times with me, but if seduction worked to get him alone and away from my brother, then I would be happy to make it work. “Do you have plans later?” I asked, biting my lower lip. “I’d love to invite you for a nightcap.”
That certainly got Phobos’s attention, and he did not look pleased. He angled his body into his date until their shoulders brushed, leaning forward to catch my eye. “Cameron and I are busy later.”
Cameron frowned. “We are?”
“Yes. I booked us as entertainment for a bachelor party.” He delivered the line with an entirely straight face, but it sure got a reaction out of Cameron. His face went slack, and his skin went an unhealthy shade of curdled milk.
A sudden lull in the conversation descended as everyone paused to take in what Phobos had said—and more importantly, to hear what Cameron would reply.
“Entertainment…” Cameron drawled, blinking slowly as he rolled the word around in his mouth. Phobos couldn’t possibly mean what it sounded like. “As in…strippers?” he squeaked, his eyebrows jumping halfway up his forehead.
“What? No! Whatever gave you that idea?” Phobos sputtered, his delicate sensibilities apparently being trampled all over by the insinuation of something so tawdry.
I choked on my wine, laughing. “Dear brother, what kind of entertainment do you think would be found at a stag? Are you putting on a magic show? Not likely, unless instead of pulling a rabbit out of a hat, you’re pulling your dick out of your pants.” Oh shit, now I was picturing Cameron as he peeled off his shiny tights. I wondered what he wore underneath…
“That’s… not what we’re doing,” Phobos said sharply, his hackles up in defense, but he didn’t look so certain now that he was thinking about it. I was sure he was currently replaying the conversation he’d had with the person who’d booked theentertainment. He turned to his sidekick, getting flustered and a bit panicky. “I swear, Cameron, it’s nothing like that. I wouldnever—”
“Cameron,” I said, slipping into the middle of their conversation with ease. “I’d like to offer you a job.”
My brother’s eyes snapped to me, lit with annoyance. “Bro, I’m right here. Don’t try to poach my sidekick.”
“Oh? I hadn’t noticed you there.” Ignoring him was easy since I’d had lots of practice. I maintained eye contact with Cameron. “Now, as I was saying, why don’t you come to work with me instead of my dim-witted brother here. I promise, when I book you as a stripper, it won’t be by accident, and it’ll be for a much moreprivateshow—and I pay very well.”
Cameron dropped his fork with a clatter, his eyes bulging.
Phobos slammed his fist down on the table, rattling the dishes. “Deimos! Would you just fuck off already? Cameron is mine!” His face went red, and so did Cameron’s, but for a totally different reason.
“Phobos!” Mom scolded from her end of the table. “Language!”
“Ooh, you’re in trouble now,” I taunted my brother with a smirk.
“Oh, like you’re one to talk, Mr. I Kidnap Shifters to Steal Their Powers. You’ll never be the favorite son at that rate.” His lips widened in a malicious grin as my parents gasped in horror.
“Deimos! Tell me that isn’t true. We raised you to be better than that,” Mom said, her frown doing absolutely nothing to diminish her ethereal beauty. If anything, it made her painted lips look even fuller, her dainty nose wrinkling adorably in distaste.
Dad simply reached for his wine, draining his glass. He despised these family dinners.
“Tattletale,” I mouthed across the table at my twin, picking up a pea from my plate and lobbing it at him. It bounced off his cheek.
Phobos growled, loading up his spoon with mashed potatoes and holding it like a catapult, ready to launch a counterattack.
“Don’t. You. Dare!” Mom snapped in a pitch only dogs could hear, and Phobos paused.Mama’s boy, I thought with a smirk. “Ares, control your sons. We have a guest!” she pleaded desperately.