Page 27 of The Chosen Son
“Yeah. One little kiss buys my promise of silence.”
While I hated the idea of being pressured into anything, was it really pressure if it was something I wanted to do in the first place? But then I felt guilty, like I shouldn’t want anything if I were being coerced into it.
Saliva flooded my mouth at the thought of kissing him. What would he taste like? Would it be overwhelming like when I’d kissed his brother? Fuuuuuck.
“J-Just one kiss?” I asked haltingly.
Deimos grinned like he’d already won. “Unless you want more.” He was so certain I would.
I thought of what Phobos’s face would look like if he heard what his brother had to say, if he learned it was all a lie.
“Okay, but you have to promise. If I give you a kiss, you will never speak of my falsehoods again, to anyone.”
“Cross my heart and hope to die,” he said, drawing an X over his chest. “And trust me, the punishment to a god for a broken promise is more serious than you’d think.”
I closed my eyes, finding strength for what I was about to do. “Okay, I’m ready,” I whispered, looking up at him through my lashes.
“Mm, finally. I’ve been waiting for this…” He tilted his head and moved toward me, but when he was only a few inches away, I raised my hand and stopped him with a finger over his lips. He frowned in confusion. “What’s wrong?” he asked, his words mumbled around my finger.
Without answering, I tipped up onto my tippy toes and kissed his cheek. “Thanks. I appreciate your discretion,” I said, biting my cheek to keep from giggling as I ducked under his arm and practically pranced over to the door.
On my way out the door, I glanced over my shoulder at him. He was still standing there, looking stunned, his mouth gaping and his pants tented.
As much as I would’ve liked to kiss his lips, I simply couldn’t let him win.
I practically flew down the hallways on my way back to the dining room, so fast you would think I was the one with super speed, even picking up the pace when I heard his pursuit.
“Cameron,” he growled behind me. “You know that isn’t what I meant.”
“A deal’s a deal,” I sang back. “You really should learn to be more specific.”
He’d nearly reached me by the time I found my way back to the dining room. The scene had entirely changed while we were gone. Notonly was it much quieter without the bickering, but half the seats were empty.
Phobos’s head snapped up. “Where have you been? I was getting… worried…” He trailed off as his gaze drifted over my shoulder.
Deimos nearly bumped into me, his hand landing on my lower back and searing me as he glanced distractedly around the room. “Where is everybody?”
“Where do you think?” Harmonia said, jerking her chin toward the kitchen.
“Of course.” Deimos blew out an exaggerated sigh, but I must’ve missed something, because I didn’t understand what they were talking about.
Or at least I didn’t until I heard a long, carnal moan. “Is that—” I began to ask, but my answer came in the way of Aphrodite’s muffled shout. “I will do as I please, and you willlikeit!”
And his reply? “Well, I hope you like choking on my cock, because that’s the only way I seem to be able to shut you up!”
There was a slap of skin, followed by a grunt. “C’mon, you little cock slut, you can hit me harder than that,” Ares growled. “I wanna feel you into next Thursday.”
There was a clatter of pots and pans tumbling to the floor, and I covered my face with my hands, blushing fiercely. “Are they always like this?”
“Only when they fight,” Deimos said behind me. “So… yes. What’s the matter, sidekick? Don’t tell me you’re a prude.” He said it as a jab, and it hit its mark. I obviously wasn't as experienced as he was, but I wasn’t a virgin or anything. He was just taking a cheap shot at me because I’d played him out of a kiss.
“I’ll have you know I’m a wildcat in the sack,” I snapped back, poking a finger into his chest. “Not that you’ll ever get the chance tofind out.” His eyes sparkled in a way that made me pause. There was a sudden heavy silence in the room.
I realized my mistake as soon as Phobos pushed his chair out, his presence looming and prickly at my back as he crowded in close. He snaked his arm possessively around my waist and dragged me hard to his chest. “Time to go,” he said, the unspoken threat hovering in the air between the brothers. “Home, where we live together,” he added unnecessarily.
It was like I was caught in the middle of a pissing contest.I wonder who will pull out their dick first, I wondered wickedly, followed by imagining whose might be bigger—my money was on Deimos.