Page 101 of Scent of Home
Chapter twenty-nine
Erin grabs my upperarm before I can run off. I turn back to her and smile at the worry lines on her forehead. We’d huddled up at Shane’s house for almost a week, but we needed supplies.
For the last three afternoons, we’ve been going to the resort where I play pool and chat with interesting people from Twin Rivers. Finn manages his legacy, and Erin and Shane work. Sometimes, one of them goes into town with Bray, but both times I’ve asked, they’ve gently but firmly told me no. Today, I gave them no choice. Bray and Shane came in earlier this morning, and Finn was accosted by Alma as soon as she saw us, so it’s just Erin and I standing beside the car.
I can tell she’s uneasy about me being here. I don’t blame her, in fact, I kinda love it.
Erin looks so adorable today in her black dress. It’s got three quarter length sleeves and puffs out under her breasts, making her look delicate and ultra feminine.
I wonder how many other people underestimate her. She doesn’t look dangerous.
“You’re going to get adorable wrinkles, and I’m going to have to kiss them,” I tease.
She huffs. “Be safe and don’t be long.”
My chuckle is cut off when I kiss her. “I will be both safe and not long. I promise.”
She reluctantly lets go of me, and I turn and jog across the street. I need to go see Bray.
I don’t think I’ve ever felt this happy, this free. It’s like I can do anything I want, and all I want to do is be with these four amazing people who make everyone in my fucked up world feel safe and amazing.
I turn the corner and start whistling. I nod to a couple that I’ve seen around. She is heavily pregnant, and it hits me that it could be Erin one day. Carrying our child. My child. Because it doesn’t matter who the father is, the kid will be mine. No, ours.
I’m so lost in the fantasy that I almost don’t see Jason until the last minute. He steps into my path and scowls. Fear and panic streaks through me. This is exactly what Erin warned me about.
Damn it. Oh, shit, I fucked up really badly.
“Locke, it has taken me far too long to see you. I’ve been stuck in this stupid town for weeks,” Jason growls.
I’m rendered speechless. Was he lying in wait? I feel sick. The same shame that he made me feel for telling ‘lies’ returns like it always does, followed by the betrayal and numbness that protects me from everything.
“I was busy,” I say in a bored tone.
“I saw what you were busy with. She’s a hot piece of work for a fat chick, but you can do better. Now, let’s stop fucking around and head back.”
I shake my head, fighting the urge to throw myself at him for insulting Erin. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”
“You’re going with me or you can be in breach of your contract and sued by the company and the other members of the band.”
My stomach flips wildly.
“Sue me then.” My bravado isn’t at all forced.
Jason steps closer. “Listen to me, you little shit. You’re a liar and a fake and a weasel. I didn’t think you were a fucking cowardly little cunt, too.”
I flinch. His eyes shine, knowing he got a direct hit.
“If you want me to send Alpha Labels after not just you but your so-called pack and all their holdings, I can do that. We can watch that pitiful little mechanic lose his piece of shit shop. That lawyer will never be able to work in law again when we’re through with her. The author? He will never get a deal for another book, and I will be slumming it down here in the corporate owned resort while your beta serves us drinks. That’s your future if you don’t get in this car right now.”
“You can’t,” I whisper, but I can barely get the words out.
He pulls out his phone. “One phone call. I’m sure your uncle would love to hear about what’s going on here.”
I shut my mouth. Alpha Typhor Raines married Aunt China. They are Ryn’s parents and psychotic. He hates me, hates Derision and everything we’ve ever stood for. But more importantly, he hates his wife and her sisters. And I am simply an extension of my mother in his eyes.
“Make a choice, Locke. Are you going to enjoy your freedom and risk your whole life but more importantly destroy every other person in the process? Or do you want to be sensible, get in the car, and come back to the tour?”