Page 105 of Scent of Home
But there is nothing, just an eerie silence. The forest is too thick, it all looks the same. I have no idea what I’m looking for, but I’m vaguely aware that I could be messing up any tracks and any clues to find him.
Shane starts to speak in a low voice. After several minutes, he ends the call and comes over to me. He grips my shoulders and then drags me up against him. I lift my arms and hold on to him.
“I can’t lose him. I know we talked about him leaving, but I can’t. I can’t lose him. Shane, he’s everything. I can’t say goodbye to him.”
“We won’t. He’s probably just making sure Jason can’t take him away. He will be fine,” Shane says confidently.
I tilt my head back and blink when Shane kisses me.
“I didn’t want you to see how messed up I was,” Shane whispers. “Brayson, I didn’t think I was better than you. I didn’t hate you. Nor was I jealous or envious. I was ashamed. I am a washed up author who had one big hit and moved out to the mountains to lick my wounds from my relationship that crashed and burned. It was shame, Brayson. That’s why I kept away.”
I blink up at him. The potent mix of feelings are confusing and distracting.
“I want your bond,” I spit out suddenly.
Shane blinks and dips his head so his lips are against mine when he speaks. “You can have my everything.” The words sink deep inside me, ringing with the rightness of it.
I inhale sharply.
“Now, I’ve told you the truth. There are no more lies between us, so believe me when I say he will be fine. Just breathe, and let’s go up to the road to flag down the cars.”
He holds my hand, and he doesn’t let go. My mind is a whirl of frantic thoughts and horrible memories. I remember the feeling of not being able to find my mother. The realisation she had left me alone, abandoned me, like I was trash.
“I’m not leaving you, Bray. Never again.”
His words steady me in a way nothing will.
Together, we stand on the side of the road and wait.
Chapter thirty-one
Finn is tracking Lockethrough the forest. Because he’s got incredible skills and just keeps surprising me. He went calm and cold when he heard what Shane and Bray said. Then he reached into his car, pulled out a backpack, passed me a satellite phone, and told me to meet him at the resort.
I’d blinked at him and scowled. “I’m coming with you.”
“No, you’re not. You can’t keep up. Besides, I don’t think he was ever here. There are no signs, but I’m going just in case. You’re going to go back and wait for him.”
“Because all the trails lead back to the resort. I marked them. If he’s in the woods, he will end up back there, and you will take care of him, emotionally, mentally, whatever he needs. He needs his alpha. So go, and let me do what I’m trained to do.”
How could I argue with that?
So, Bray and Shane had brought me back here. Dana, Tristen, and Mathew are working tonight and quietly go ahead with prep to open the resort. Karma is still with Benny, but I wish she was here. I’ve mostly been ignoring everyone, just walking back and forth along the porch, frantically searching the forest line with each turn.
Bray sits on a chair, tense and intent, staring at the forest as if he can will the two of them to walk out.
Shane alternates between us, either standing pressed against my back, one arm wrapped around me, or sitting beside Bray, whispering in his ear.
“I can’t just stand here. It’s been a whole day. Shouldn’t we call someone?” I ask in frustration.
“Have faith in Finn, love. He is the person the whole town goes to when anyone gets lost up here. He’s got the skills.”
“It's true, he does,” Bray says with a distinctly lackluster voice.