Page 30 of Scent of Home
“Don’t you dare!” Locke snarls and stabs his finger in my chest. “I’m badass.”
“Uh-huh. And so damn cute.”
Locke groans. “Erin, come on, be cool.”
I snicker and fold my arms under my breasts, amused that, despite everything, he still checks.
I smirk at him and look him up and down slowly, taking my time to appreciate the uniqueness of him. I can see it now, like the blinders have been taken off.
Locke bares his teeth at me. “Stop looking at me like that!”
“Like what?”
“Like I'm a piece of meat!”
I snort a laugh. “I thought you wanted me to look at you like that?”
Locke grumbles and folds his arms over his chest, imitating my stance. “I feel objectified. I’m making an official protest.”
“Noted,” Finn says without looking away from Shane.
Bray shakes his head and saunters towards us. Locke looks at him warily and shoots me a glance that almost appears to be pleading.
“Omega, huh?”
Bray steps close, putting his arms around Locke and lacing his fingers together.
“I don’t care,” Bray whispers. “I still want to fuck you.”
Locke’s eyes dilate, and he sways slightly, leaning his weight into Bray.
“Bray!” Finn snaps.
“Yes, Dad?”
“Let go of him and take Shane home.”
Bray smiles, it’s slow and wicked and full of promise. “Come on, Erin. Let’s take Shane home, have words, and see who gets to go first.”
Locke swallows hard, but Finn is there, breaking them up and pulling Locke away.
“Bye, baby!” Bray purrs and wiggles his fingers, while Finn drags the omega away.
I kinda thought my instincts might protest, but I seem to be completely fine with Finn taking the omega, and Locke looks relieved to go.
I turn towards the alphas and grin. “Well, if it isn’t my favourite alphas.”
Shane glares at me, but Bray smirks.
“Heads or tails?” Bray purrs.
“Not gonna happen,” I snap back but soften it with a smirk.
“Best of three?”