Page 90 of Scent of Home
“I mean about leaving. You have to give us a chance to change.”
I blink at her again. I’m hearing the words, they just don’t make sense. “You’d be willing to change?”
“You’re ours, Finn. And despite our awful behaviour, you are, too, Bray. We don’t want to see either of you leave. So, give us a chance. We,” she glances around the diner, “we can see when we’re wrong. Just don’t leave yet. Your mama would have been so mad at us. We’ve been idiots, and you were right to call us on it.”
I glance at Bray. He shrugs. “It’s Erin and Locke’s call. I go where they go.”
I seize his hand. “Me, too.”
Erin smirks and leans her face into my upper arm. “That was seriously insane levels of hotness, Finn. I’m thinking I need to reward you vigorously.”
“We can share,” Bray tells Erin.
Bray sniggers at the expression on my face and pulls me towards the exit.
We stumble out onto the street, and Bray leads the way to where Shane and Locke are leaning against a brick wall, watching a man spinning plates.
“He’s practicing for next year,” Locke tells Erin.
I step in front of Locke and grip his hips. “You were right, and I was wrong.”
Locke grins. “I always am. Remember that.”
I shake my head and lean in, the vanilla wrapping around me, making my head light. It’s a fragrance that makes me remember home. I can imagine Locke singing at Destiny’s while I pour beers.
“He told off the whole town,” Erin says with a wide grin. “It was awesome!”
Shane jerks his head towards me. “You did what? Are you okay? That’s huge, Finn. I am so proud of you.”
My cheeks burn, and I duck my head, but Locke puts a hand on my cheek and peers at me until I meet his eyes. “I’m okay.”
Shane peers at me and then nods. “Good, it’s about time you broke free of their hold and-” Shane stomps towards me, leans down, and kisses me on the lips.
“What was that for?” I ask.
Shane smiles. “Because I can, and I want to.”
I freeze, forgetting everything, until I realise he’s walking away. I spring towards him and grab his hand. He turns back, and I stand on my tiptoes and press my lips to his. It’s nothing special in the ways of a kiss. My stomach is tied in knots, and I think I’m trembling.
But it’s the start of something between us. A promise. Because Shane has been another part of life that I have denied myself. He’s my best friend, and my feelings for him are far from platonic.
Erin laughs and steps back. She’s leaning up against our car. I watch her, thinking about how she’s upended my world, and I hear it. I hear the twang of metal and see the cable go flying. The Twin Rivers festival banner that is supposed to have come down, swings free. The heavy canvas moaning as it cuts through the air. Erin stumbles back, trying to avoid it, but it’s huge. She ends up near the trunk of the car when it hits her fully into the chest.
I launch after her and catch the strap of her dress, holding her up, just as a car goes flying past.
My heart is in my mouth as I stare at her.
“Erin!” That was too close.
She doesn’t answer, just steps away from the side of the road and crouches down, breathing hard.
“What the fuck just happened?” I breathe out.
Erin shakes her head. Locke is shaking. He’s gone pale and is clinging to Shane to hold him up. Bray crouches beside Erin and cups her cheeks.
“Just an accident. I’m okay,” Erin murmurs. “I’m fine.”
Unease sits in my gut. I walk to the end of the banner and stare down at the rope. It’s been cut.