Page 10 of Say Yes
Lindsay issilent for so long, I almost begin to second guess myself. But, no. Even if she doesn’t want the same things, thinks I’m crazy, or whatever else is going through her mind, I don’t regret laying myself bare, being vulnerable, and risking a broken heart.
The revulsion caused from considering a condom shocked the fuck out of me. I didn’t think it was possible to fall in love so fast, but when I looked inside a little closer, it was plain as day. Right there, just waiting for me to open my eyes and accept that Lindsay owned my heart. I wanted her to be mine in every way, my wife, my friend, my lover, and the mother of our children.
I’ve never been an impulsive guy. I’m usually slow and methodical, but since I met Lindsay, I’ve cared less and less about the way things should be done. So, I ran with it. I blurted out my dreams and hoped she was in the same place as me.
I run a tired hand through my hair and then scrub it down my face. The tension in the room is so thick, you would cut it with a knife. I know she’s processing, but it’s killing me. I need to say something, break the silence, but I haven’t got a fucking clue what that would be.
My eyes snap to hers, grateful she’s even acknowledging my presence. There is hesitation in those mocha irises. Actually, I look closer, it’s . . . she’s waiting for something. I can see the yearning and I wrack my brain trying to figure out what she needs from me.
“Colton,” she sighs my name this time. “Do you love me?”
What the fuck?“How can you ask me that?” I snap. “Of course I love you.”
Her lips pinch and anger darkens her expression. “How was I supposed to know when you haven’t told me, jackass,” she responds in a frosty tone.
“What do you mean I didn’t—” Well, shit. I run over the whole conversation in my head. I drop my head down. “Motherfucker,” I groan, exasperated with my own stupidity.
I sit up and scoot so I’m sitting against the headboard and pull on Lindsay’s arm until she reluctantly lets me settle her in my lap. “You are so right, honey,” I confess, brushing my lips over her forehead. “I’m a complete jackass. You think you could give me a mulligan?”
I lift her chin with a curled finger underneath and search her face. Once again, I’m grateful that she is as transparent as glass, at least to me. My question sparks a miniscule amount of humor in her eyes. And there with it, is what I needed to see. Hope.
“Lindsay Balewa,” I start with an overly serious tone, but can’t stop a smile when she stifles a giggle. “Would you please control yourself, woman?” I demand. She bites her bottom lip and arousal slams into me. How the fuck did I forget that we are in bed and bare-ass naked? I’m going to need to speed this up because now that I am once again aware of it, I am quickly losing the ability to concentrate on anything but the feel of her sweet little ass squirming on my rapidly hardening dick.
“As I was saying. Lindsay, I don’t care what is conventional, or what it expected. I even know exactly when it happened. But I’ve fallen for you and no one”—I give her chin a squeeze for emphasis—“no one, will ever love you more than I do.”
To my surprise and my body’s delight, Lindsay climbs around until she’s straddling me, her arms winding around my neck, her tits pillowing against my chest. My hands glide up her back and then down to her round ass. Damn, I love this ass. I yank her in tight and our heart beats kick up a notch, our breathing becoming labored. She feels so fucking amazing, like our bodies were created to fit together in a perfect mold.
She peppers my face with kisses and I grin at the joy pouring from her. “I love you too and yes to everything else.”
I raise an eyebrow and she blushes as she watches it lift. After she reacted that way a few times, I figured out that she found this sexy and filed it away in my arsenal. I hadn’t broken it out on purpose this time, though. No, this was my deviant side in control right now. “Yes to everything, huh?”
“Well,” she hedged.
“You can’t take it back now, honey. And, don’t think I won’t be remembering this moment. You should probably just get used to saying nothing but yes in the bedroom.”
She scoffed, and I kissed the haughty expression right off her face. “In fact,” I rumbled over her lips, “I think we should practice it. How many times do you think I can make you scream ‘yes’ in one night?”
The first time she blushed, I’d wondered how far down it went. I have my answer. Everywhere. Now, every time she blushes, that’s all I’m going to be able to think about. Was there nothing about this woman that wouldn’t make me think of sex? That would be a big fat no and an I don’t give a fuck thrown in for good measure.
My lips seek out hers and it isn’t long before I’ve got her spread out on the bed like a fucking goddess, slowly sliding into heaven. A ragged groan tears from my throat as her walls close around me. “Fuck yeah.” When I’m in as far as I can go, I stop to savor the incredible bliss of being inside her.
Lindsay arches her back and her muscle clench as I slide in even deeper. I throw my head back in complete ecstasy, right on the edge of my control.
“Don’t,” Lindsay says, and her voice breaches my concentration.
I glance down at her with concern. Am I hurting her?
“Don’t hold back. I want every part of you, even the wildest ones.”
“I don’t want to hurt you,” I explain in a jagged tone.
“Colton,” she looks at me sternly, and if I wasn’t in agony as I tried to contain my need to fuck her like a wild animal, I might have laughed. Then she bucks her hips and somehow causes her pussy to clamp down on my dick so tight I feel like she strangling it. When she moans, the beast inside me wins, clawing to the surface.
I lift her legs and throw one over each shoulder, then I yank her hands over her head and hold them in one iron fist. Digging my feet into the bed, I slam my cock into her tight little pussy over and over, the bed hitting the wall so hard it’s probably cracking the plaster.