Page 11 of Another Postcard
“I know you’re busy with all the prep, and we understand but we would love to see you.” Her tone was warm and comforting, not guilting me, just a subtle reminder that I was loved. It made me determined to go home at least once before we went on the road. “Love you, darling boy.”
“Love you too, Ma. Give my love to Dad and Lily. I’ll see if Liam can take a couple of days and come home with me.” My brother was in his third year at Columbia University. I loved having him near and we tried to grab lunch at least once a week.
“I’d love to have both my boys home!”
We said our goodbyes and hung up. Not thirty seconds later, my phone dinged with a text. My beautiful sister was all dolled up, looking like a princess in her purple, floor-length dress. I chuckled over the whole thing again and muttered, “Much better.” Although, I wasn’t exactly happy to know she’d have some hormonal little bastard drooling over her all night. I specifically remember telling her she couldn’t date until she was at least thirty. Dad and Liam had backed me up. Then Mom overruled us all and let her have a date to the dance.Traitor.
“I take it she didn’t end up wearing that dress?” Brooklynn asked, and I grinned when I looked at her and saw her amused smile.
I shook my head and strolled over to the stool where she’d gathered her things, then sat and waited for me. Handing her the phone, I lifted my chin in a gesture for her to take a look. “Apparently, my ‘older brother’ instincts have become predictable. They had a bet on how I’d react to the firstdress.” The last word came out with a disgusted grimace.
Brooklynn chuckled and handed over the phone. “She looks gorgeous.”
“Yeah,” I agreed, taking another look at the picture. “She’s a pretty amazing sister, too. She’s going to fucking love you,” I said absentmindedly as I locked my phone and slipped it in the pocket of my jeans. When I raised my head, Brooklynn was gaping at me. “Don’t give me that look, Brooklynn. Even if you never give in to my request for a date, which you will eventually, you’ll meet them when they come to some of our shows.”
She visibly relaxed, but still looked a little uncomfortable. “I just, um, I don’t do families very well.”
I raised an eyebrow at her comment. We’d talked a little about her sister’s situation. Her sister was a little developmentally delayed. They were each other’s only family, and she’d practically raised her. Not only was it easy to see how much she loved her, it was obvious that she took amazing care of her. “I don’t believe that,” I challenged softly. I took hold of one of her slender hands and brought it up so I could place a kiss in her palm. “Everything about you tells me that you’ll fit right in.”
She snatched her hand back and her laugh had a bitter edge. “Well, you’re wrong.” Standing from her stool, she crossed her arms in front of her chest and watched me with a blank expression and shuttered eyes. “Look,” she began, the only indication that she was feeling anything coming from the irritation bleeding into her tone. “I’m really sorry about what I assumed before. It was thoughtless, and if I’d taken even a moment to think before speaking, I would have realized what a stupid thought it was. You were right, you’ve never given me any reason to cast you in a villainous light.”
“Thank you.” I left it at that. I’d been fired up about it before, but now I just wanted to move on. And, I wanted my Brooklynn back. I didn’t recognize this cold, emotionless woman. I grinned when something popped into my head and before I could check the impulse, I blurted, “People often assume the worst when they are jealous.”
She glared at me, the spark of irritation lighting a fire in her eyes, and she shoved her hands onto her hips. “Don’t flatter yourself, Barney,” she snapped.There she is.Anger was better than nothing at all.
“My mistake,” I remarked, holding my hands up in an “I surrender” pose.
Her countenance mellowed completely and she was back to being the sweet, funny, insanely hot Brooklynn I was used to. She bent down and grabbed her bag and coat, then we walked to the office to grab my outerwear as well. Just inside the door, I put my hand on her arm to halt her exit.
“Lunch tomorrow?”
Brooklynn sighed and turned to walk away, but there was a smile flirting around her mouth.
I grabbed her arm to stop her again, pulled her inside and shoved the door shut. Walking her backward, I crowded her up against a wall. Having caught her by surprise, she didn’t protest when I dove my fingers into her hair and angled her head. I didn’t give her any time for her mind to catch up, covering her mouth with my own. She gasped, and I took advantage of the moment, my tongue entering her mouth to lick and tangle with hers. I groaned at her taste, it was fucking incredible, and I knew I was instantly addicted. Her hands had been at her sides but they slowly crept up over my chest, to hold on to my shoulders as though they were the only thing holding her up.
I combed my fingers through her hair and then they traveled down to splay across her back, pressing her body forward and flush with mine. Fuck, she felt good. My erection was on the brink of exploding, so hard it was almost painful to breathe. I had to stop before I reached a point of no return. I knew I could seduce her right out of her clothes at that moment, but she’d never forgive me. No, we’d fuck when she wanted it with a clear mind. I backed off of the kiss and then slowly withdrew completely. She was dazed and mussed up, looking like she’d just been thoroughly kissed. It was a look I hoped to see on her more often.
I cupped her face and waited until the fog dissipated from her chocolate orbs. “How about I cook you breakfast?” I grinned roguishly and winked.
“Are you kidding me?” she scoffed at my cheesy line.
I just shrugged and grinned.It was worth a shot.
Later that night, I was on my couch, ignoring the TV because I couldn’t get Brooklynn off my mind, not that this was a rare occurrence. My phone taunted me from the coffee table in front of me, next to my propped-up feet. I stretched out and picked it up, using my finger to open it as I sat back into the cushions.
Opening my messenger app, I tapped on Brooklynn’s name.
Me: You’re thinking about me right now, aren’t you?
Me: I can sense these things.
It took a few minutes, but eventually, the little bubble popped up to let me know she was responding.
Brooklynn: You caught me.