Page 23 of Another Postcard
My stunned awe wore off, quickly replaced by confidence. I swung my hips as I walked to the area designated for Kristi and me, while winking and waving at the guys closest to my side of the stage. As I passed Simon and Matteo, they both grinned at me. They appeared easy and loose, having the time of their lives, joking around and being ridiculous with the fans. After I took my place, Matteo began to beat a steady rhythm, and then Simon joined in with an intriguing melody on his bass. Suddenly, Levi jogged onto the stage yelling, “Stop! Stop! You can’t start a fucking show without me!” Simon waited for the roar of the audience to die down before he rolled his eyes and played an extremely loud, dissonant chord.
“Dude, you just ruined what could have been the best solo of my life. So shut the fuck up and grab your guitar. I wrote a little something. Watch me for the changes and try and keep up.” Laughter sprinkled through the audience and he smirked. Then he began to play again and whatever he was playing segued into the intro for “Confess My Everything,” and everyone went wild. After that song was done, we moved straight into the intro for the next song and Simon started singing, “Whoa oh ah ah ah ah whoa ooooh,” and the audience enthusiastically joined in.
“Can you guys clap your hands to that?” Sasha shouted as her hands beat the rhythm high above her head.
“Whatever you do, don’t stop clapping!” Levi took off with the melody and worked the stage. “Sing it, people!” He stopped singing and kept clapping along as they filled the arena with their voices. “Let’s get every person in this arena singing. Can you guys do that?” He laughed as they got even louder. “Keep on clapping. Don’t stop! All right, here we go!” He started singing again and they kept it up until the very last note. At the end, he spread his arms wide and exclaimed, “You guys are fucking amazing!”
The show really took off from there. Sasha and Levi joined in on the banter and it added a dynamic that the crowd loved. It was abundantly clear how close the four of them were. From our stools to the right of Matteo’s set up, Kristi and I were as dazzled by them as the audience.
Levi was always a charismatic guy, someone you were drawn to, but that night, it was magnified times one hundred. With every song, my body burned a little hotter, and it had nothing to do with the industrial lights heating up the stage.
Halfway through the show, Levi introduced each of the members of Stone Butterfly, leaving me for last.
“I’ve got someone special to introduce to you!” he shouted into the wireless mic hooked over one of his ears. “Can you all welcome Stone Butterfly’s newest member, Brooklynn Hawk?” The arena filled with a deafening roar as they clapped and yelled. He ran over and grabbed my hand, dragging me downstage to the catwalk that split the VIP area on the floor. Once they settled a little, Levi continued. “As you know, this tour is calledFor Your Sanity, which just so happens to be the title of our next album, which will release in June!” He had to pause when the audience went ballistic again, but by the huge grin on his face, it was obvious he loved it. “You guys have no idea how fucking lucky you are, because tonight, we have a surprise for you!” He stretched his arms out wide and grinned. “Are you excited?” He listened for a moment, then cupped his hands around his mouth and screamed, “I can’t hear you!!” The thunderous response pulsed with energy, making me practically bounce on my feet with excitement.
“There’s a song on the record called ‘Sanity,’ and I co-wrote it with this fucking gorgeous woman right here. It will debut on the radio in just a couple of weeks.” A stage tech ran out, and while Levi continued to tease the fans, they attached a wireless mic to my cheek. “So! Have you guessed what your surprise is?” he shouted. “You guys get to be the first to hear it!” Their response was epic and they went crazier still when Matteo started beating a low, steady rhythm on his floor tom. Then he transitioned into the fast and heavy, hard rock beat. Simon and Levi joined him and a couple of bars later, I opened my mouth and sang the most important notes I’d ever sung in my life.
As I belted out the first verse, the world began to melt away completely, leaving only Levi and me. When he began to sing his lyrics, our lines clashed and emoted the first stage of crazy as our eyes locked. We reached the first chorus and Sasha added her haunting violin to the smooth melody. The cacophony of sounds built up the tension inside me. In the safety of the stage and a huge audience, I finally let loose all the caged passion I’d kept locked up tight.
We were approaching the section with the instrumental solos, and Levi faced the audience, dropping his voice so low, the arena fell silent in order to hear his every word. The audience was mesmerized by him. As he crooned the lyrics about love and a broken mind, he faced me again. When he reached the break, he faded out completely. The audience reacted to Matteo, Simon, and Sasha with the same exuberance as they had when Levi and I had been singing. Sasha finished her solo and we glided into the most intense part of the song. I was wrapped up in the music, I didn’t even have to think. My mouth opened and I let every repressed emotion I had for Levi pour from my soul. The cello’s rich strains crescendoed, and Levi and I circled each other on the stage. I stared into those aqua eyes, captivated by the dark swirl of need that he wasn’t even attempting to hide. Each time we sang together, our voices melded, creating a sound that had shivers coursing through my body. We hit the pinnacle of the song, we held out the notes that clashed like to fractured minds. Then we came to the end, our last notes solemn and sung in unison. The lyrics about giving in to the insanity of love and drowning in the crazy. Levi wandered over to me and his hand came up to cup my cheek. I was overwhelmed by the thick atmosphere, so full of lust and emotion, as though our voices were engaged in dirty, sweaty sex.
The other instruments faded out, and all that was left was the smooth, dark melody coming from Sasha’s cello. She pulled the bow slowly on the last note, and it hung in the air, the only sound in the otherwise complete silence of the arena. The lights descended until it was completely dark. I was still glued to Levi’s intense stare even though I could no longer see him, I could feel him. The connection was severed when the world around us erupted. The lights went back up and he put on his most charming smile before turning to the audience and throwing his hands into the air. “She’s amazing, right?” he shouted, receiving an even louder roar of applause in response.
Performing is like a drug. It’s a high unlike any other. Standing before a crowd and touching them with what’s in your soul. It’s also terrifying. But, the audience’s reaction boosted my confidence. My head was buzzing and my skin tingling. Levi and I both took a bow before loping off of the stage for a fifteen-minute break. The moment we were in the wings, Levi snatched me up and twirled around, making me laugh. “You were incredible, Brooklynn!”
He stopped spinning and slowly let me slip to the ground, keeping me close and not letting a single inch separate us. I gasped at the electricity crackling between us, and Levi sucked in a breath before whispering, “Fuck it.” He took full advantage of my stunned state, lowering his head and sealing his lips over mine. He didn’t give me a moment to react, plunging his hands into my hair and his tongue into my mouth. My brain short circuited and all rational thought got lost in the outage. I held tight to his biceps so I wouldn’t fall because with every touch of his tongue, my knees got weaker.
“Save it for after the show and get a room, you two!” Matteo jibed, shoving Levi in the shoulder, causing us to stumble and break our embrace. Heat infused my face, and I was sure I was redder than a tomato. Wrapping my arms around myself, I looked everywhere but at Levi before fully giving in to my cowardice and practically running all the way to my dressing room. Sasha and Kristi were already there when I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. I leaned against it, panting and trying to catch my breath.
Sasha raised an auburn brow and snickered. “I think I need a cigarette after that performance,” she teased as she tossed me a bottle of water. I wasn’t sure if she was referring to the music or the kiss. She didn’t elaborate and since I wasn’t sure if she saw the kiss at all, I chose to keep my mouth shut. I gave her a grateful smile and then guzzled down the whole bottle of cold liquid in an attempt to cool off. It was mildly effective and helped to slow my racing heart, but my lips were still buzzing from Levi’s kiss, the sensation traveling all the way to my core.
A knock on the door warned us that it was time to head back out, and I took a few more deep inhales until I felt more in control. We took to the stage again and the rest of the concert was as fantastic as the first half. Stone Butterfly had a very eclectic sound, and while their main genre was alternative rock, they liked to mix it up with songs that had a crossover sound. Sometimes a bluegrass feel, or punk rock, pop rock, even a little reggae. It livened things up, made it incredibly fun, and really showcased their versatility.
When the lights descended for the final time, after two encores, I felt like I had just run an ultra-marathon. After exiting stage right, Simon jogged over and grabbed me up in a big bear hug. “How’s it feel, BK?” I laughed at his nickname for me, a reference to Brooklyn, New York. “It’s official, I’m never letting you go.”
Matteo tugged me out of Simon’s arms and wrapped me up in his. “Back off, Ruiz,” he snarled playfully. “I asked her to marry me first.” He grinned down at me and winked.
I giggled and gave Matteo a quick squeeze before letting him go, only to find myself hauled up against a brick wall named Levi. “Move it along, boys,” he commanded, his voice filled with warning. “She’s taken.” I rolled my eyes at his obnoxious statement, but when they both adopted their best sad-puppy look, it made me laugh so hard I actually snorted. I slapped my hands over my mouth in embarrassment, then melted into a puddle when I heard Levi mumble quietly, “Fucking adorable.”
Why does he have to be so damn irresistible?
Sasha stepped in between Simon and Matteo, looping an arm around each guy’s waist. “You’ll just have to fight over me instead,” she trilled.
Simon’s expression became even grumpier. “Like I haven’t tried to tap that for years.” She threw her head back and laughed before patting him on the head and giving him a peck on the cheek.
“If at first you don’t succeed…” Her voice faded out as she turned the boys and walked them over to the backstage hallway. The door flew back open, bouncing off the wall, and in came a tall, incredibly attractive man with deep mocha skin and a shaved head. His eyes darted around until they landed on Kristi, then his whole face lit up and he rushed toward her, calling her name. She whirled around and took off running, jumping into his arms when they reached each other. Their mouths fused together, and I smiled but glanced away, feeling like a voyeur watching their special moment.
“Brooklynn!” I looked back and saw Kristi waving me over. Levi’s arms tightened for a moment, but when I stepped on his foot with the five-inch, stiletto heel of my black boots, he yelped and stumbled back. I joined her, and the man with her smiled at me warmly, making my insides go all gooey. He was almost as hot as Levi, and I couldn’t help swooning just a little. Kristi snickered and gave me a knowing look. “This is my husband, Jonas. He has that effect on women.”
I laughed and put my hand out. “It’s great to meet you, Jonas.” He ignored my gesture, grabbing my outstretched hand and pulling me in for a hug.
“I’ve heard so much about you, I feel like we are already great friends,” he said with a wide smile.
Noah walked into the wings and huffed impatiently. “Uh, guys, did you forget the fans waiting on you?” He gestured to the door and waited until we all headed into the hallway and in the direction of our dressing rooms. I had, in fact, forgotten about the VIP gathering after the show and at the reminder, I was suddenly a ball of nerves. A warm hand settled at the small of my back and it immediately calmed me. I didn’t have to look to know it was Levi, but when I did, I was bathed in the light of his confident smile. “Just picture them all naked, baby,” he said, somehow knowing what I was feeling without my having to say a word. Then his eyes drifted to the couple in front of us and his lips pressed together, forming a straight line. “Well, maybe not Jonas.”