Page 41 of Another Postcard
Istareddeep into Brooklynn’s eyes as we sang the final notes of “Sanity.” A few concerts into the tour, we’d decided to close the show with it, instead of using it to end the first half. There was always an encore or two, but never enough time for the sexual high to completely dissipate. But, with Brooklynn being so careful about how we acted in public, I either had to drag her to my dressing room or the nearest closet for a quick fuck to take the edge off for both of us, or I walked around in pain and fucking grumpy all night, because she insisted if we left the others, we’d be “noticeably inconspicuous.” We’d been together for nearly a month and I was tired of the cloak and dagger shit. I wanted to claim her, for everyone to know that she was mine, so every drooling fucker watching our show would know they’d never get a shot with her.
The lights went down and I grabbed Brooklynn around the back of her neck and sealed our mouths together. I knew the lights would go back up any moment and I was tempted to let them, she didn’t seem to remember where we were as she threw herself into our embrace. But, at the last second, I pulled away, though I kept hold of her hand as the lights momentarily blinded us.
Reluctantly, I let her go and she returned to her stool, next to Kristi, behind us. Once we got to Europe, we were going to debut some of the new songs we’d been working on with Brooklynn. Which meant, we needed her replacement fast. I’d taken Noah aside a few days before to ask what the fuck was taking so long. He assured me he was working on it and we’d have someone in place by the time we flew to England. This singer wouldn’t record with us, so we weren’t concerned about her practice time. As long as she could pick up the harmonies and blend into the sound, I’d ceased to care. Before Brooklynn, I’d been picky as fuck about who performed with us. But she completed Stone Butterfly, when I hadn’t even realized we weren’t whole.
Kristi was a badass and we adored her, but the band wasn’t her whole life like it was for the ret of us. She loved it, but it wasn’t something she wanted long term. It had been the same with Sheryl. It had kept them from integrating into the very fabric of our foursome the way that Brooklynn had. Then again, I thought it was safe to say that no one else would have done what Brooklynn had because she was meant to be ours all along. We just had to find her. And yeah, that paralleled how I felt about her as my girlfriend too.
We had a two-day break after the concert, so I bought a couple of plane tickets and informed Noah that we would meet them at the next stop. Chloe was pissed as fuck because she’d planned a publicity event, but I didn’t care. I waited until we were back on the bus and then told Brooklynn to pack a bag, we were going AWOL. She laughed and ran up to the bedroom, coming down less than ten minutes later with a small duffle, wearing shorts, a loose T-shirt that dipped low enough in the front to flirt with her bright red bra, and her hair pulled through the back of a Yankees cap. She was so fucking awesome, right?
Although, while I was drooling over her cleavage in that shirt, I wasn’t very happy about the thought of anyone else getting a look at it. I almost told her to go change but she slipped her arms into a hoodie and zipped it up, so I kept my mouth shut and avoided a possible argument.
We took a cab to the airport and boarded for our first class, red-eye flight to Portland. I’d rented a little cabin on an island off the coast for us to hole up in until we met back up with the band for our Portland concert. The flight was quick and it wasn’t long before I was unlocking the door to our lakeside retreat. We were fucking exhausted and fell into bed, too tired to do anything but sleep.
Late the next morning, I woke before Brooklynn and, like the whipped, love-sick pussy that I was, I spent a good thirty minutes just watching her sleep. She was so gorgeous. Her long, dark lashes rested on her high cheekbones, raised from the soft smile she was wearing in her sleep. My stomach rumbled and I kissed her temple before easing her out of my arms and climbing out of the bed. I grabbed a pair of jeans and threw them on, not bothering with anything else. I splashed water on my face and brushed my teeth before heading out to the kitchen. The caretaker of the island cabin had been kind enough to ask for a list of groceries and stalked the fridge for us.
I grabbed all the fixings for omelets, one of the few dishes Matteo had been able to teach me to make without destroying the food. Turning on the radio in the kitchen, I bopped my head in time with the music as I prepared breakfast.
“Hey.” The soft greeting had me turning with a wide smile. Brooklynn stood at the kitchen door, adorably mussed and sleepy, wearing my discarded T-shirt from the night before. I sauntered over to her and wrapped my arms around her, lifting her off of her toes as I gave her one hell of a good morning kiss.
“Hey, baby,” I said once I managed to release her delicious lips. “Hungry?” Just then, her stomach growled loudly, making us both laugh.
“I guess so. What can I do?”
“You can sit your ass on a stool at the counter and give me something pretty to look at.”
Brooklynn smiled brightly and hopped up onto a stool, leaning on the granite island on her elbows. “Like this?” she asked cheekily as she batted her eyelashes.
“Not bad,” I said thoughtfully as I observed her. “I think it might be better if you removed the shirt.”
She laughed and shook her head. “I need food, man!”
I saluted her smartly. “Yes, ma’am.”
Breakfast was ready in minutes and I joined her, sitting on the stool next to her and we filled our bellies. “Mmmmm,” Brooklynn moaned. “This is so good.”
My food suddenly tasted like sawdust and I was hungry for something else entirely. Every slide of the fork between her plump, pink lips had images of them wrapped around my cock invading my mind. Damn, I was glad I’d left my pants unbuttoned as I shifted to make more room for my growing erection.
She glanced over and arched a single, black eyebrow. “You’re not eating.”
“Are you almost finished?” I croaked, my mouth completely devoid of moisture. I fucking hoped so.
Realization crept into her expression and my eyes narrowed when she smiled innocently. “Almost.” Turning back to her food, she focused on cutting precisely and chewing each piece excruciatingly slow. After a few bites, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I grabbed her around the waist and sat her on my lap, straddling me.
“Haven’t we talked about what’s going to happen if you keep teasing, baby?” I growled.
“Did we?” she asked coyly. “I’m not sure I remember.”
Instead of responding verbally, I held her to me with my hands on her firm ass and rushed back to the bedroom. I dropped her unceremoniously on the bed and pointed at her. “Do. Not. Move.” Going to my bag, I unzipped it and dug around to see if I had anything that would work for what I had in mind. There wasn’t anything, then, I had an idea and moved to Brooklynn’s bag. Quickly finding what I needed, I stuffed them in my pocket and returned to the bed where she was waiting, just as I’d left her.
I grunted my approval as I ran my hands up her smooth, endless legs. Her height was one of the things that made her so perfect for me. At six foot four, I was still a lot taller than her and she fit me just right. When I reached the hem of my shirt, I slid it up and over her head, my eyes devouring her incredible body. “Scoot all the way back, baby.” She cocked her head curiously, but did as she was told, crawling backward to the head of the bed. “Lay down and grab onto the headboard.” I watched her carefully as she complied, searching for any sign that this might be making her uncomfortable. Submission was a tricky area considering what she’d grown up with. I didn’t want to ever give her even the illusion that what we did was being forced on her. But, her eyes burned with desire, so I proceeded with my plan. Taking her panties out of my pocket, I ripped them apart.
“Hey!” she complained. “Those were the only pair I brought, Levi.”
“You won’t need them.” I bent a knee on the bed and hovered over her as I secured first one hand, then the other to the rod iron bars of the headboard. Before moving back, I looked her in the eyes and asked, “Okay?”
Her whole countenance seemed to soften and she smiled sweetly. “Yeah.”
I nodded before stealing a chaste kiss. “You tell me if you get uncomfortable and I’ll stop, no matter what.”