Page 12 of Bunny Vibes
The audience in Madison Square Garden was awesome, and it fueled the energy on stage. It was the perfect way to end on our east coast tour before taking an extended break from traveling. Midnight Run was contracted for two more albums, and we wanted to knock them both out while on sabbatical, which was perfect timing seeing as I was about to have a brand-new baby.
Olivia and I dated all through her senior year. It was hard as hell to be away from each other, but we both traveled to the other so we could be together as much as possible. I proposed right after she graduated and asked her to travel with me on our six-month world tour. She’d been ecstatic, and I loved every minute of having her with me all the time. We picked a date for the wedding that was shortly after the tour ended and took a month-long honeymoon on a friend’s private island off the coast of Italy.
We hadn’t planned on starting a family so fast, but when Olivia ended up pregnant half a year later, we couldn’t have been happier. I almost canceled this last tour, but Olivia pushed me to do it for the fans, especially since it was relatively local, and we had no definitive dates for another tour.
Olivia had been too uncomfortable to come to the concert, and I didn’t argue since I didn’t like the idea of her around all these crazy fans anyway. She had three weeks to go, and we were going to use the time to finish up the nursery in our upper west side apartment.
The show was almost finished when Pepper ran onto the stage in the middle of a song. I stopped singing, and the band slowly followed suit. There was only one reason Pepper would interrupt a concert. Olivia.
I knew that, but I still waited with my breath caught in my throat as she skidded to a stop in front of me. She whisper-shouted into my ear, and it took a few seconds for her news to sink it. Once my brain finally skipped forward to realtime, I spun toward the audience with the biggest smile I’d ever had stretched across my face. Without hesitation, I lifted the mic to my mouth and hollered, “We’re having a baby!” Then I let go of the microphone, taking no notice of the boom caused by it hitting the ground, and raced off the stage to get to my wife.
As I was running off, I had to laugh when Nixon’s voice came over the system. “Now that is a mic drop.”