Page 7 of Bunny Vibes
“Then the next morning,I ran into my neighbor, Miss Joy— a cute, little eighty-year-old woman out on her daily walk. I asked her how her back was— knowing it pained her often— and she commented that it was much improved. She explained that she’d used her vibrator the night before, and now she was moving so much better.”
My mouth dropped open in surprise, and Olivia’s complexion turned pink as she giggled. “She told you that she’d…” I couldn’t even repeat it. I thought about my granny, and if she— then I shut that shit down with lightning speed.
“That’s not even the best part,” Olivia said around her laughter. After another round of snickers, she continued, her hands flying around animatedly as she spoke. “I was a little in shock and had no idea what to say to her, so I said, ‘Oh, well, that’s good.’ She nodded happily and told me it worked great, then asked me if I had one. But before I could form an answer, she offered to let me borrow hers if I didn’t have my own and needed it.”
“No fucking way,” I sputtered.
Olivia threw her head back and let out peals of laughter. “Yes! I swear it’s the truth! I couldn’t make this up if I tried.” Tears streamed from her eyes as she tried to catch her breath. “But-but, then— “ She stopped and took a deep breath.
“There’s more?” I asked incredulously.
She nodded vigorously and wiped at the moisture around her eyes. “You can probably imagine how awkward I felt, so my voice was high-pitched when I exclaimed, ‘No. I’m good!’ Well, she looked at me like I was crazy and asked me what was wrong. ‘It’s just a vibrator.’ At that point, I was so appalled by the idea of her sharing it that I blurted out, ‘Miss Joy, you can’t let other people use your vibrator! What if you get an infection or something?’ She pursed her lips and stared at me like I’d grown another head. ‘How?’ she finally asked. I was flustered and pretty mortified at the whole situation, but somehow, I managed to spit out something about her using it ‘down there’ and then someone else using it ‘down there’ and how that was unsanitary. Like mixing bodily fluids. Then my word vomit got worse when I added, ‘unless you use a condom, I guess.’”
At this point, I doubled over from my laughter and breathing so hard that I couldn’t see through my tears. “You said— you— “ I couldn’t even finish what I was trying to say.
“Then— “
“Holy shit,” I exclaimed. “There’s more?”
Olivia nodded and covered her mouth as she let out another burst of giggles. “From the way she was staring at me, she was obviously shocked, but I was pretty sure she also thought I had a few screws loose. She finally asked, ‘Sweetie, what are you talking about? I don’t use my vibrator in my vaginy,’— And of course, I’m thinking, what the hell is a vaginy?— while she continues, ‘I use it on my back!’ A light bulb suddenly went off, and I realized where our wires had crossed.”
“She meant a back massager, right?” I guessed.
“Right!” Olivia pointed at me and winked. “So I said, ‘Oh, you mean like a massager?’ I almost said personal massager, but I figured the joke would be lost on her.” Pausing, Olivia placed her hand on her heaving chest as she tried to calm herself. I was riveted to every word she said, but that didn’t stop me from ogling her bouncing tits, making me hard as fuck.
“She said, ‘No, I’m talking about my vibrator.’ At this point, I couldn’t hold it in anymore, and I burst out laughing so hard I had to bend over and support myself with my hands on my knees. Except, I forgot I was holding my briefcase in my hand.”
I knew what was coming, and flashbacks from earlier that day had me in stitches before she even said it.
“I accidentally dropped it, and of course, it broke open, revealing all of my products. I didn’t notice at first because I was laughing so hard. I said, ‘Miss Joy, please don’t go around telling people you use a vibrator and offering to share it.’ She responded, ‘My goodness you’re a dirty girl.’ And that was the moment I realized she was staring at a display of battery-operated penises!”
I laughed so hard I nearly fell out of my chair, which set Olivia off again. I noticed the hostess of the little deli giving us the evil eye, but I ignored her. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had this much fun.
We’d decided to have dinner at a cute little place around the corner from the hotel. I was dying to get dinner over with and get back to my room. But as we ate and talked— me sharing stories about the band’s antics, and Olivia telling me about some of her funnier experiences with her job— my hunch about her was proven right. There was definitely more to this girl than her sexy as fuck body and gorgeous face. I enjoyed spending time with her, and while my desire to take her to bed hadn’t lessened, the time flew by because I was happy just to be near her.
Right before our dessert arrived, Olivia excused herself, and I took the opportunity to make a quick phone call. There was something I needed, and after being reassured that it would be left in my hotel room before we arrived, I hung up and waited for my girl with a smug smile.
After finishing our dessert, I placed enough money on the check to cover our meal and a generous tip because we’d been a little disruptive with our constant laughter. Then I rose from my seat and held out my hand. Olivia met my smile and the hand I’d offered, allowing me to pull her to her feet. I slipped an arm around her waist, and we strolled to the exit.
With each step that took us closer to the hotel, my body heated a little more, humming with anticipation. The desire I’d kept at bay so far was finally battling for freedom, and I’d run out of the strength to fight it.
Olivia peeked up at me through her lashes, and I didn’t bother to mask the raw need I was feeling. That sweet pink blush dusted her cheeks, and a shiver raced down her spine. It felt like it took for-fucking-ever to reach the hotel, and when we walked through the back entrance, I let out the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding.
My arm tightened around her, and my pace sped up as I guided her toward the elevator. I stabbed the button repeatedly while cursing under my breath until the doors finally wooshed open. Olivia’s shoulders started shaking from holding in her laughter. “You’re in quite the hurry there, rockstar.”
Curving the arm around her, I turned her to face me, bringing her body flush against mine. I pushed my hips forward so she could feel the steel rod in my pants, and when she gasped, I bent my head to whisper in her ear. “If I don’t get inside you soon, I’ll lose my fucking mind.”