Page 12 of An Uncertain Claim
Nathan frowned and I narrowed my eyes. “I would think you’d have learned by now that I don’t need to be coddled. I can handle whatever you tell me. And the open communication thing between us is a two-way street.”
He studied me in silence for a moment, then nodded. Then he ran a hand over his beard before speaking again. “In the spirit of full disclosure, I should probably confess something.”
Chapter Eight
Peyton was tough. Stronger and more competent than most of the women I’d met in my life. But even she shouldn’t be burdened with all the things I’d seen and done. So I steered her away from my bloody hands with my confession.
Peyton pursed her lips and crossed her arms over her chest. “Already? Damn, Nate.”
I shrugged as I got up from my seat, shoving away thoughts of how much shit I’d been keeping from her and all I would continue to shield her from. “Like you said, I'm not used to sharing,” I admitted. “Follow me.” I’d given her my word to try to be more open, but that didn’t mean I would dump it all on her at once. So I started with something relatively small.
She unfolded herself and stood. Once she was on her feet, I crossed the room and stopped at the garage door.
“You can’t go back to your apartment,” I informed her. “The police are watching it to question you and though your attacker knows you’re here now, it’s still not safe there.”
“Okay…” Suspicion colored her tone.
I opened the door to the garage and reached in to press a button that flooded the space with light. Then I stepped out of the way and let Peyton enter first.
She glanced around and I knew the moment she spied the half a dozen neatly stacked small boxes with her name on them. She gasped and spun around, propping her fists on her hips.
Peyton was sexy as hell when all riled up and it always piqued the interest of the dominant Alpha in me. My wolf was rode me hard, wanting me to give in to the desire pumping through my body. I swallowed hard and ignored him, as well as the way my body burned for her. I forced myself to stay focused.
“You moved me in with you?” she yelled. “Are you kidding me, dog?”
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest as I leaned a shoulder against the door jamb, crossing one ankle over the other. “Back to ‘dog,’ am I?” My wolf huffed in offense.
Peyton’s face flushed, and I could easily imagine steam coming out of her ears as she fumed. “Does it ever occur to you to let others in on your decisions? You didn’t think maybe I should be consulted before you uprooted my entire life?”
“I would think you’d be used to that.”
Her frown deepened. “That’s not the point.”
“No, it’s not.” I wouldn’t apologize for doing what needed to be done. She knew it had been the right choice and once she worked through her indignation, she’d see it too.
“It’s about you being a high-handed, pushy asshole who seems to believe I can’t think for myself.”
I sighed. “You know that’s not true. Be as mad as you want, baby, but it won’t change the fact that I made the right call.”
She ran her hands through her hair, blowing out an agitated breath. “Fine, yes. This is the best option for the moment”—she waved me off when I went to speak—“but you should have talked to me first, Nathan. It’s my life and I deserve a say in it. How do you not understand that?”
“I fail to see the necessity when my decision would have been the same either way.” I honestly didn’t understand why she refused to let me do the best thing for her. But her emotions projected so strongly that I could almost feel them, as if they were my own. Clearly, that had truly upset her, and I didn’t wish to cause her more distress. My wolfpaced, agitated at the sight of our unhappy mate.
Peyton inhaled slowly, then her eyes roamed my features as she canted her head to the side. Her expression suddenly shifted, and her anger seemed to flee. “I think I see where we are getting our wires crossed. Nate, I’m not a member of your pack. You are not my Alpha and therefore you don’t have the authority to make these types of decisions without consulting me.”
I remained quiet as I considered her opinion. The reminder that she hadn’t committed to me, therefore joining my pack, irritated me. However, when I put myself in her shoes, I could admit that she had a valid opinion. “You’re right. I’m not your Alpha yet. But I am the father of your child and your mate”—I held up a hand to silence her, just as she’d done to me earlier, causing her to snap her mouth shut—“whether you accept the fact or not. I will not apologize for doing what needs to be done in order to protect you, Peyton. But, apart from emergencies, I will agree to inform you before I do anything that will have a major impact on your life. Is that acceptable?”
Peyton bit her lip and threaded her fingers through her hair one more time. “It’s a start,” she finally responded. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” I almost left it at that, but at the last second, I added, “I appreciate that you listened to my explanation, particularly since I didn’t give you the same courtesy earlier.”
Her eyebrows partially disappeared into her hairline and her mouth opened and closed a few times.
“What? I can admit when I’m wrong.”
She shook her head as though to shake off her stupor. “No, I know that, but…I can’t believe you apologized again right after I hissed and spit at you like an untamed cat—however justified.”