Page 37 of An Uncertain Claim
Nathan seemed to sense her reaction somehow and he trailed the tips of his fingers down my arms before cupping my face and giving me a deep, but sweet kiss. “Trust me, sweet girl,” he whispered. I knew he was talking to my panther because he only called her that name. To my astonishment, she settled down and brushed her fur under my skin as if she were a cat rubbing against Nathan’s leg.
Chapter Eighteen
Asmug smile curved my lips when I felt Peyton’s panther relax and give me the reins. Peyton wasn’t quite as easily tamed and while she wasn’t struggling anymore, her emerald orbs were sharp as daggers cutting into my flesh. But as it always did, her fire and wild spirit only made me want her more. It was tempting to give in right then and fuck her hard and fast, achieving satisfaction quickly, rather than drawing out the wait.
However, this wasn’t about simply getting off. I was determined to show Peyton that what was between us was more than simple lust or pregnancy hormones. The deep hunger for her body had an acute edge to it that I instinctively knew came from being true mates. Lust wasn’t the only indication, but the primal need to make my mate concede to being mine was the driving force at the moment. And the only time Peyton ever really opened herself to me was in bed, so it seemed the most likely avenue to proving my point.
I trailed my tongue down her heated skin, groaning at the mix of salty and sweet from the glistening sheen of sweat and her natural honey and cloves. Even before I’d known Peyton was my mate, I’d had my suspicions that I would never get enough of her. Now, I didn’t want to. My wolf, who was just as addicted to Peyton, agreed without reservation.
When my mouth reached her mound, I placed soft kisses on it and on each of her inner thighs. Knowing how sensitive she was there, I pulled the band from my hair and let it tumble down around my face. The strands tickled her skin as I trailed hot kisses up one side, then back down the other, twice. She tensed every time I drew closer to her pussy, her hips moving restlessly in search of relief, and emitted a tiny growl each time it didn’t happen.
Peyton was the only person in thousands of years who truly tested my patience and had the ability to make me lose control. When her sexy body writhed with desire and moans fell from her pink lips, I had to fight to remember the endgame. I shored up my strength and focused on the job at hand—driving Peyton so fucking crazy with passion that she couldn’t deny our connection. I used my palms to widen her legs, then rested my forearms on them to keep her in position as I settled on my stomach.
I opened her up and blew lightly over her damp, swollen flesh.
“Nathan!” she cried out and her taut body vibrated from the tension. “Please.”
“Hmmm, it usually takes a lot more to have you begging me,” I murmured before licking up her center, then I bit her inner thigh, which made my wolf calm down a little. “But it’s going to take more than that this time, baby.”
“Wh—wh—what?” she sputtered, partly shocked while the other part twisted with need.
“You heard me, Peyton,” I grunted as I lifted my head to meet her dark gems, swirling with gold flecks. Alpha vibes pulsed around me as I made my demand. “I want it all.”
Peyton’s eyes were slightly glazed and she shook her head as if to clear some of it away, “All…”
I bent and licked a circle around her sensitive nub, then finger-combed my hair back from my face before meeting her gaze again. “Complete submission.”
Her mouth dropped open and some of the cloudiness in her eyes dissipated, replaced with sparks of fury. “In your dreams, dog,” she growled.
My power filled the room, aggressive and determined, making the air thick. Since Peyton wasn’t a member of my pack yet, I didn’t have to temper my reaction because Peyton wouldn’t worry about the possibility of being mentally controlled by me.
Peyton sucked in a breath and her body tightened, the fire in her eyes making the flecks of gold look like sparks. Still, she didn’t cave.
I dragged the flat of my tongue up her center again, chuckling darkly at the convulsion that shook her body. “Believe me, baby. It happens frequently in my dreams, but now I want it in reality.”
“This is why you tied me up?” she shouted. “You thought I wouldn’t fight you?”
“You know it only makes me harder when you fight me, Peyton,” I drawled with a cocky smirk. I bit her other thigh, and she began to thrash and curse. “Hiss and scratch all you want, kitty cat. I only tied you up to make sure you couldn’t run away.”
“You thought wrong,” she snapped and yanked her arms down. When they wouldn’t move more than an inch, she twisted her head to look up at her wrists and bellowed in outrage when she realized I’d secured her to the headboard. “What the fuck? You bastard!”
“Yes, I am,” I agreed unapologetically. “That doesn’t change your predicament. Iwilltame you by the time I’m done tonight.”
“Or what?” she spit as she tugged at the restraints again.
“Or nothing, baby. That was a fact, not a choice.” My wolf nudged at me, irritated with Peyton’s attitude. I inhaled slowly and the scent of her arousal, my proximity to her glistening sex, and the rush I felt from sparring with her had dark cravings growing inside me that I was tired of restraining. Peyton kept yelling, but I ignored her, giving all my attention to her pussy. I teased her over and over, deep licks that stopped short of her clit, shallow thrusts of my tongue, light touches from my fingers and the tip of my tongue, constantly working her up only to pull back.
At first, Peyton’s shouts had melted into moans and cries of pleasure. But eventually, she caught on to the fact that I was holding her at bay and her wildcat came out in full force. The fact that she was pretty much helpless in her position only made her even more furious and my body tingled with excitement. Every time she tried to move and found herself solidly under my control my wolf howled with approval while the primal, dominant asshole inside of me reveled in the power we held over her. We wanted to own her, consume her, break her into complete submission. Only then would she be rewarded with what she begged for.
I continued to torture her, winding her up tighter and tighter, content to eat her all fucking day if that was what it took.
“So help me, Nathan King,” she seethed. “The second you let me out of this, I’m going to kill you!”
Chuckling, I glanced up at her. “I very much doubt you’ll be contemplating my murder by the time I untie you, baby. Then again, maybe I should leave you like this indefinitely, just in case.”
She growled and wiggled her legs and tucked her hips, trying to throw me off her lower body, but only succeeding in making me laugh before I went back to teasing her to the brink of insanity.