Page 53 of An Uncertain Claim
I looked up from my computer to Kellan standing in my doorway. “What can I do for you, Kellan?” I asked with a smile. We’d been exchanging a few emails because he’d been bouncing ideas off me.
He grinned and rubbed his hands together excitedly. “We finished the prototype. I thought you might want to take a look.”
I shot to my feet. “Yes!” I hurried around my desk and followed him out of my office and down to the floor where the labs were located. One of the projects he’d asked for my opinion on was a card with a virus etched into it so that when it was scanned, the virus uploaded into the system right there.
Once inside the lab, he led me to a table with lighting all around it so that whatever was displayed was brightly lit and easy to see. There were several cards on it now, ranging in size from a business card to a passport-sized one.
He pointed to the smallest. “This one has the change to the coding you came up with.” He pointed to the largest card. “That’s the best we’d been able to do with the code we used before.”
I grinned, pleased my idea had been successful.
Kellan picked up the business card-sized card and handed it to me. “Nathan suggested we create a coating that would minimize glare, but we also changed the style of the etching as you suggested and together they solved the reflection issue we were having.”
“I’m so glad I could help.” I couldn’t remember ever feeling so proud of a job or having as much fun. I found myself envying Kellan and his team because they worked on things like this every day. And once a project was finished, they moved on to the next, so there was no monotony.
I could see the appeal of working for KBO. There was always a new challenge and a great sense of accomplishment when it was solved.
“Now that we’re almost to the production stage on this, we’ll be starting the project I mentioned the other night. I’d love to have you in on it from day one and hit the ground running.”
“Just let me know what you need. I’m at your service.” I grinned and stuck my hand out to shake his, but he looked at it like it was poisonous and backed up.
“I value my life too much to send the Alpha’s mate back to him with my scent on her.”
“Good grief,” I muttered, shaking my head. “Is this the way the rest of my life will be?”
Kellan laughed. “He won’t be quite as territorial once you’ve fully bonded, but he will never like another male touching you. He just won’t kill them. Usually.”
“Are all mated males like this?” I asked, dubiously. I had a hard time believing it wasn’t just Nathan’s personality, which meant he’d drive me crazy before long.
Don’t pretend it isn’t a little hot when he’s all growly and possessive.I ignored the little voice in my head because I didn’t want to admit that it was right.
“For the most part,” Kellan answered. “I nearly ripped my brother’s throat out when he hugged my mate to congratulate us on our pup. We were still in the process of imprinting, and I wanted to kill every man—and woman if she seemed into her—who looked longer than necessary at my Chelsea. So I know first-hand why it’s a bad idea for you to return to our Alpha smelling like me. Even if I am mated.”
“Smart man.”
I whirled around at the sound of Nathan’s deep, rich timbre.Okay, seriously. How does hedothat?Sneaking up on people should not be possible for someone so big.
I didn’t care all that much though because his voice was so damn sexy, it immediately drove my libido through the roof. He met my gaze with molten silver orbs and his nostrils flared. His brow furrowed just a fraction and despite his beard, I caught the slight tightening of his mouth. It still surprised me that even before we could share each other’s emotions, I’d learned to read him when others couldn’t discern anything about his thoughts.
But his frustration came across our connection loud and clear. We both knew we couldn’t fuck twenty-four hours a day, but that didn’t stop us from craving it. In fact, we’d been so busy that other than him bringing me food every day, we’d had very little time together and we’d spent that time sating our hunger for each other or sleeping. Nathan had tried to bring up our mating at lunch the first day and I’d been saved by an urgent call from Lucien and Phillipé de la Coeur.
I called myself ten different types of coward and my panther turned up her nose at me, like she did every time I managed to put off talking about our mating with Nathan. What the hell was the matter with me? I’d only run from one thing in my life and going into hiding from my grandfather had been a matter of escaping a toxic situation and saving my life. If I’d stayed, my grandfather would have thrown me to the wolves, literally, until they killed me. Once I’d come of age and he was no longer my legal guardian, I’d stayed hidden because that evil bastard didn’t give up power over anyone. The only way out was to die. So that was what I’d done.
“Peyton.” Nathan’s voice snapped me out of my deep thoughts.
He cocked his head and scrutinized my face. “Are you all right?”
“Yup.” I nodded enthusiastically. “Kellan wanted to show me the new prototype.”
Nathan stared at me for another few seconds, and I tried to veil my emotions, which only made his eyes narrow further. They held a warning that he didn’t believe my careless attitude and we’d be revisiting this later. But he let it go for the moment and turned to Kellan. “I came down to congratulate you and your team. Thank you for working so hard. You all did a brilliant job.”
There were four other techs in the room, and they’d given Nathan their attention the moment he entered the room, so they hadn’t missed his words. The three women blushed hard and smiled brightly, while Kellan and the other male scientist puffed their chests up with pride, preening like peacocks. It was adorable.
“Kellan,” Nathan said, returning his attention to the team leader. “I received your formal request and I hate to deny it, but we need Peyton in her current position. However, as long as she doesn’t overdo it while pregnant and then with a brand-new baby, she has my approval to be a permanent member of the team for the Delta Project.”