Page 55 of An Uncertain Claim
“Okay,” she agreed as she inspected her lunch with enthusiasm.
I stood and opened my office door. “Tanner is on his way, but I’m still not to be interrupted,” I told Poppy. She smiled and gave me a thumbs up. She was younger than Willa and not nearly as reserved. It was taking some getting used to, but she was fantastic at her job, so adapting to her bubbly personality seemed a small price to pay.
I returned to my seat just as Peyton was dipping a chunk of crab in the dip she’d mixed together. “Mmmmmm,” she moaned when her plump lips wrapped around the fork.
Fucking hell. I honestly hadn’t expected the hunger for her to be so strong. I knew what they said, but it was one of those things you couldn’t truly understand until you’d been there.
“You’re not the only one who can smell and feel your mate’s arousal, you know,” Peyton muttered, glaring at me as she popped another piece of meat in her gorgeous mouth.
I was about to make a very filthy suggestion when a firm knock on the door brought me back to reality.
“Enter,” I grunted, irritated with Tanner for cock-blocking me. It was irrational, but I couldn’t help it.
My Beta entered and strode over to drop onto the couch. “What’s up? Besides the rude fact that you ordered food and didn’t have the decency to add some for me.” He glanced at Peyton and squinted, most likely trying to figure out if he was imagining what he saw. “Is that…are you eating cottage cheese and pineapple as a side for crab—which you are desecrating by dipping it in—what the hell is that?”
“It’s my lunch. Shut up.”
“Pregnancy cravings?” Tanner guessed, looking to me for confirmation.
I chuckled and shook my head.
“Just weird,” Peyton said. “Now, do you want to hear what I found or continue to sit there and make fun of your Alpha female’s lunch? And cravings or not, don’t mess with a pregnant woman’s food. I will end you.”
Her fierce expression was completely serious, and I swallowed a laugh, especially when Tanner’s eyes widened and he shifted away from her just the tiniest amount. I didn’t think he was even aware he’d done it, but Peyton grinned and ate a spoonful of cottage cheese.
I’d cooked for her many times, but I’d rarely been home when she ate it, so I’d had no idea what her eating habits were like until I wondered about her favorite food. She’d been right the other day; I’d hacked into anything that would tell me what she ate. I hadn’t believed it at first. Then I’d called Sam and he’d confirmed that my mate had very unusual taste buds. Not just the odd combinations, but she liked a lot of things that other people hated. I thought it was cute, not that I would risk her hissing and clawing me if I called her that to her face.
Peyton was every bit the wildcat and it was entertaining, and hot as fuck. Damn it. I shifted in my seat, trying to find a more comfortable position as my body tightened with need. I glanced at her, and she was staring at me with daggers in her eyes.
“Should I leave you two alone?” Tanner quipped, clearly amused at the situation.
“No,” Peyton and I said at the same time.
“Tell us what you found…please.” I added the last part as an afterthought, remembering how she’d reacted every time I’d thanked her for doing as I’d asked.
Tanner’s eyebrows rose, but he wisely stayed silent. Peyton’s expression softened and she smiled at me sweetly. It was a smile I rarely saw from my badass mate, and I found I really liked it.
“Well, like you found out, the victims all had DNA tests done shortly before they were attacked. But there are only a certain number of facilities that process those tests, and they are each used by various offices in the city, mostly medical.”
“Did you figure out how B is acquiring the names?” Tanner asked.
Peyton shook her head. “No, and it’s something we’ll need to know eventually, because I think the person helping him might be more important than we realize.”
Tanner mused over her comment for a minute then questioned, “Do you think B’s calling the shots?”
“I’m not clear about that yet, but I’m getting closer.”
“If it’s not how he had access to the database, what is it you learned?” We’d been moving off topic, so I steered it back on track.
“Right. Well, I ran a trace on their names to find which companies had sent in the tests for these specific names. When I started getting hits, I compiled a list to see if there was a link between the companies. That’s when I hit the jackpot. Pollen Oak, New York Cryo Lab, Profam, Mavi Lab, East Side Fertility, IVF Experts, Haven Cryo Lab…all the others are just like those.”
“Fertility clinics and sperm banks,” I mused. “Were they all having DNA tests done in preparation to donate?”
“Exactly. I found the paperwork and they were due for their appointments within a two-week window.” Peyton set down her empty container and curled her legs up under her. “I think that’s why his timing wasn’t more consistent. He waited until near their appointment, but if it was moved or cancelled, or the victim went out of town right before, whatever factors made it hard for him to stay on a more rigid timeline.”
“But why?” Tanner asked after a period of silence while we all digested the information.
“When B had me—” Peyton stopped abruptly and stared at me with wide eyes. The glass of water in my hand had cracked and shattered, scattering glass and ice on my lap and the floor. The water was soaking into my pants along with droplets of blood oozing from the cuts on my hand. I’d been picturing my hands around that asshole’s neck, and I must have squeezed too hard. My wolf was growling and pacing, ready to rush out and hunt down the person threatening our mate.