Page 12 of Forever My Boy
“Of course, it’ll be our secret.” She runs her hand up and down my hair. “Are you sure it was positive?”
I nod against her. “I bought two tests and this one was positive. I’ll take the other one in the morning.”
“Okay, that’s good. Then we can go to the nurse’s office,” she says. “She can give you another one, just to be sure. You don’t want to tell Liam and then have it be wrong.”
“You’re right,” I say and then start thinking that maybe the one I took was wrong.
Only, in the morning it’s positive again.
chapter 6
. . .
It’s been a couple of days, and I haven’t had a chance to tell Liam. It’s not for a lack of trying. He hasn’t called me back and I don’t want to be a pain in the ass even though Ineedto be a pain in the ass.
After dinner, I head back to my dorm with a group of girls from our floor. We chat about nothing and yet, it’s everything. I’m going to miss being a part of the school, being on campus, and making friends. I think once I tell Liam, he’ll have me move to Texas. It’s the only thing that will truly work. I don’t want to be here without him, and I know he’ll want to be with me while I’m carrying his child.
When I get upstairs and in my room, I stand in front of the mirror Katelyn and I bought and lift up my shirt. It’s one of Liam’s shirts that I’ve stolen over the years. I figure I should start wearing it now because it’s so big, that by the time I start showing no one will notice my sudden change to baggy clothes. And with Mason on campus, I can take his shirts next.
I stand there, with my shirt lifted, looking at my flat stomach. It’s weird to think there’s a baby growing in there. One created out of love. I rest my hand against my skin and smile. “Mommyand daddy love you so much,” I say as I stare at myself. I know Liam’s going to love this baby as much as I do.
Since the second test, when no one is around I refer to myself as mommy. It’s the only way I can wrap my head around what Liam and I have done. I want this baby and I know Liam will as well once I tell him. We’re going to be a family, like we’ve talked about. It’s just happening a bit sooner.
“Mommy,” I say again to the mirror, liking the sound of what my new moniker will be. I hope I have a little boy who looks just like his daddy. Although, I don’t think the world is ready for two Liam Westburys. I am though.
I hold my left hand out and imagine an engagement ring and wedding band there but refrain from saying the word wife because while I know Liam and I will get there eventually, there is nothing wrong with having a child first. Katelyn seems to think once I tell Liam we’ll run off and get married. In all honesty, I’m scared though, about leaving Beaumont for Texas. I’m not going to know anyone there and will really miss Katelyn. I can’t imagine having this baby without her near me. She’s my best friend. Actually, she’s more like a sister to me and I need her.
There’s a knock at the door and I almost yell that Katelyn isn’t here because it’s usually Mason. I take one last look at my stomach and pull the shirt down. I’m about to yell at my roommate’s boyfriend when I open the door and find Liam . . . my Liam . . . standing there, with his arm resting against the door jamb.
Our eyes meet and I know my smile spreads from ear-to-ear because I’m so damn happy to see him and now I can tell him in person that we’re going to be parents. Even though I know it’s going to come as a shock, at least I’ll be here to hold him.
And then my smile fades and I wonderwhyhe’s here when he should be in Texas at school.
“Liam, what are you doing here?” As soon as I ask, I want to take the question back. I don’t care what he’s doing here,he’s here, and that’s the only thing that matters.
“I needed to see you,” he says as his eyes leave mine.
“I’m glad you’re here, you must be tired.” I reach for his hand and tug it slightly to bring him into my room. I want him to come in and see how I decorated and show him how comfortable my bed is. But he doesn’t move.
“You don’t want to come in?” I can’t help it and my voice cracks. Why would he be here if he doesn’t want to come in?
He shakes his head. It’s slight, but I notice because I’m trying to read him. I’m trying to understand what’s going on. Instantly, my mind goes to a place it shouldn’t—he cheated.
“Something wrong Liam?” I ask, barely able to swallow.
“I dropped out of school,” he says it so quietly, I almost don’t hear him, but I know I do.
Loud and clear.
This man in front of me doesn’t sound like the man who shared his hopes and dreams with me, who made plans with me for our future. I’m sure there’s a reason, and he’ll tell me if I ask. I need to be supportive. I know this.
“Okay, why?”
“I… um… I can’t –”
“Can’t what? You’re scaring me, baby. Come in and we’ll talk about it. We’ll call your coach and fix this.”
Liam inhales deeply and closes his eyes. He stands tall and look everywhere but at me.