Page 66 of Counting the Stars
“We have a lot of things to look forward to.” I grab her hand and head in the direction the sales attendant at the store swore had the best pizza. As we make our way through the endless sea of people, I can’t help but wonder how lucky I am to have found the perfect person for me.
“Is that it up ahead?” Gabby stops to point at a tiny pizzeria wedged between a barber shop and a place to buy lottery tickets. “It looks like a little hole-in-the-wall.”
“Yup.” I walk a few steps and open the door for her. The smell of pizza crust and tomato sauce hits us full force. “The ones that don’t look like much usually have the best stuff.”
We head to the register and place our order for pizza and some drinks. Our food is put on the counter before I finish paying.
“That’s enormous!” I exclaim when I see our dinner.
“That’s what she said.” Gabby winks and takes her slice.
“I’m a bad influence on you, aren’t I?” I follow her to a table near the window.
“I’d say more like a positive one.” Gabby sits down and takes a large bite out of her pizza. Her eyes turn into huge saucers. “Oh my God, Alex, you need to try this now!”
I happily oblige. “Wow! Now I get the hype. If we had a place like this back home, I’d be there every day.” I hold up my slice of pizza and watch the grease from the cheese drip onto my paper plate.
“This is so good. We have to plan another trip out here so we can spend more time. Maybe we can come back out around Christmas so we can see Rockefeller Center when it’s decorated.” She pauses to take a sip of her soda. “But I also want to come out when it’s warmer to see Central Park. Oh! And I’ve always wanted to see a show on Broadway and—”
“Do all the touristy things?”
“Exactly.” She takes another bite of her pizza and does a little happy dance in her seat. Excitement radiates off her and I can’t help but think how beautiful she looks right now.
“I like that you’re thinking about the future.”
“I’m not just thinking about it. I’m looking forward to it. For the first time in my life, I know who I am. Do you know what that feels like?”
“As a matter of fact, I do. Because every time I’m with you, I feel free to be myself.” My phone vibrates with a reminderfrom the airline that we only have a few hours to check in. “We better get back to the hotel. We might be able to get an hour or two of sleep before we have to get to the airport.” Our flight is a redeye back home. The difference in prices was huge, and since we couldn’t make a longer stay out of this trip, we didn’t want to spend a ton of money on transportation. Next time, though, we’re going to take one hell of a vacation.
We make our way back to the hotel hand in hand. It’s the most natural feeling in the world, and I’m honored to have this beautiful woman walk beside me.
“I think I’m going to take a shower.” I pull off my shirt once we get inside our room. “It might help me relax enough to get some sleep.”
“Okay.” She nods and chews on her bottom lip. I find it odd since she only does that when she’s nervous, and she certainly seems content right now.She’s probably just anxious about the flight back home.
I start up the shower and grab the miniature-sized bodywash and shampoo. I lose track of time while standing under the showerhead that mimics a warm rainfall. I also make a mental note to myself to see if Jax could install one of these things in my bathroom.
“Alex!” I hear the bathroom door open and immediately go on alert, hoping all is okay. But something about her tone sounds all too familiar.
“Do not tell me I have to sing to your bashful bladder again.” I look up at the ceiling and shake my head.God, I love this woman.
“No.” The shower curtain pulls back slightly to reveal Gabby’s silky smooth bare shoulders. A white towel is wrapped around her torso. “I was thinking I could join you?”
“Always.” I grab her hand to help her into the shower. Thetowel around her floats to the floor. I gently bring her under the spray. When she kisses me, I realize she’s intending more. I continue to let her take that lead because the last thing I want to do is screw things up. This woman is mine. I’ve known it from day one. And she’ll be mine for now, for tomorrow, for years to come.
Forever and always.
Ican’t believe the most amazing day is coming to an end. I’m so thankful for everything that has happened, and Alex has made it all come true. When Jax gave me the ancestry information he’d researched, in record time nonetheless, I didn’t know what to do. It was Alex who got us the tickets and prodded me to contact Lucia, and thank God he did. Meeting her and learning about my family pushed all my fears away. Now I’m excited for one thing: my future.
The sound of the shower turns on and my mind instantly flashes back to the day I saw Alex naked in his bathroom. Those toned muscles and blue eyes of his are captivating. It’s so easy to want him physically. But it’s that heart of gold that makes me weak. He’s the best thing that has ever happened to me.
“Alex!” I open the bathroom door and blink as steam hits me in the face.
“Do not tell me I have to sing to your bashful bladder again.” I can practically see his eyes roll.