Page 70 of Counting the Stars
“Are you saying my belly is too big?”
“No! I’m saying you’re pregnant and… I’m not going to win this argument, am I?” Jax runs a frustrated hand over his face.
“Nope,” the rest of us say in unison.
“What brings you over here anyway?” I ask, hoping to change the mood in the room, though I know there’s no trueanimosity between the power couple standing before me. Even with their banter, they still look at each other like the other one hung the moon.
Aly pivots on her heels to face me. “So you know we’ll be moving into our new house once J.J. is here, and that time is coming up soon. I started getting sad about not seeing you guys every day.”
“Aww, don’t worry about that. You’ll only be a twenty-minute drive away. We’ll come over all the time.”
“No, you won’t,” Jax grumbles under his breath.
“What was that?” I cuff my hand to my ear. I know damn well what he said and just for that, I’m going to make up every excuse to show up and annoy the shit out of him.
“I said that sounds great.” Jax pastes on a fake smile.
“Anyway,” Aly says, ignoring her husband, “I was wondering if I could have a little memento to bring with me.”
“Did you have something in mind?” I ask, not sure where this is going. By the way Jax’s face is twisted and turning all sorts of red, I can tell he’s not happy about whatever Aly is going to request.
“Your Mr. February towel,” Aly states flatly.
“You mean the one Alex gave to me?” Gabby laughs.
About two years ago, I had my Mr. February picture from the calendar printed on a beach towel. I gave it to Gabby as a present shortly after she moved in. Fast forward a few months later and Aly used the towel to prank Jax at the pool.
“I’m surprised you’re okay with this.” I look at my grumpy friend.
“Gotta pick and choose my battles,” he grits through his teeth.
“I wanted to ask you both if it’s okay since it was a gift. I can have another made up for you. It’s just that the original one holds sentimental value.”
“Aly, if it will make you happy, I’m fine with it.” Gabby gives her blessing.
“I’m fine with it too, and actually…” I run off to my room and come back a moment later with a padded envelope. I hand it to Gabby. “I was going to wait until Christmas to give this to you, but you can have it now to replace the one Aly’s taking.”
Gabby reaches into the bag and pulls out a new towel with an updated picture printed on it. “I didn’t know you had the photo shoot already,” she says, opening up the folded fabric.
“It was rescheduled a few weeks ago when you were working all weekend. I wanted it to be a surprise.”
Gabby’s hand traces over the picture of me posing shirtless in front of a firetruck. A bouquet of roses is in one hand and a box of Valentine’s Day chocolates is in the other.
“You got February again?” Jax gives a sarcastic smirk. He’s heard me vent about it being the shortest month of the year.
“I think I’m being typecast.” I hang my head.
“I like it.” Gabby continues looking at the towel. “I have to admit, it’s fun saying that I’m dating a guy from a hot firefighter calendar, but I also like that you’re only on display for twenty-eight days.”
“Getting a little possessive of me, huh?” I walk over to my girl and wrap my arms around her waist. I’m so in love with this woman, I can barely contain myself.
“Maybe a little bit, Lieutenant Jones,” she says with a sultry voice and pulls me in for a kiss. I found out about a week ago that I’ll take over lieutenant duties come the first of the year. I think Gabby was more excited to hear the news than I was. She’s been referring to me as Lieutenant Jones ever since then.
Gabby insisted I call my family with the news. Fortunately, they were at some charity event and couldn’t talk for long, but they told me what they thought and it was as expected. Which is fine. I know now I’ll never gain their approval,and I’ve made peace with that. The only person I care about pleasing is the one who’s currently trying to climb me like a tree.
“And on that note, we’re leaving,” Jax says as the door clicks shut and I continue to kiss the hell out of my girl.