Page 79 of Counting the Stars
“So you know that housewarming party we’re supposed to go to? It’s actually an engagement party for us.”
“No. Way. What if I said no?”
“Then we would be having a really awkward dinner.”
“Wow! It looks like a winter wonderland.” My jaw drops as we pull up to Jax and Aly’s house that’s outlined in twinkly white lights. The white wraparound porch is adorned with garland consisting of holly leaves and red berries. A life-size gingerbread village display takes up the majority of the front lawn.
Christmas is only a week away and I’m still not quite sure what we’re doing for the holiday. Alex already told his family that he would not be visiting this year, stating that I was not in any condition to travel and he wasn’t going to leave my side. His parents were horrified when they learned about the attack. They wished me well, but it only gave them more fuel to promote moving back to Elmwood Grove. Because now, in their eyes, Starboard Beach must not be a safe place to live.
As for me, I’ve always felt safe and at home here. The attack could’ve happened anywhere. I’m thankful the response time was quick and I have the best support a girl could ask for. I know I’m going to be okay.
The door to Jax and Aly’s new home nearly flies off the hinges as two of my closest friends stampede down the driveway toward me. I freeze and squeeze my eyes closed, bracing for impact, but it doesn’t come. Instead, I open my eyes to Aly and Michelle scanning Alex and me intently.
“She has gloves on,” Michelle whispers loudly out of the corner of her mouth. “Do you think he did it?”
“They both look happy…and Alex is smiling.” Aly playfully pokes him in the chest. He’s clearly amused by their behavior.
“Doesn’t count.” Michelle shakes her head. “Alex is always smiling.”
“Good point,” Aly agrees and looks down at my hand again. “Why are you wearing gloves?”
“I should be asking you why you’re wearing a tank top out here in the frozen tundra.” I cross my arms over my chest. It’s below freezing and there’s a fresh coating of snow on the ground. Just looking at her gives me chills.
“My hormones are still all wacky. I keep getting hot flashes.”
“Post-partum hot flashes,” I inform her. “That should go away once your hormone levels go back to normal.
“Yes, yes. That’s what my doctor said too.” Aly jumps impatiently from foot to foot. “Now take off those gloves. Do we have something to celebrate or what?”
I look up at Alex, who gives me a goofy grin of approval. I hold up my hand and pull off the glove like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat. The girls scream and shower me with hugs the moment they spot the ring sparkling on my finger.
“Whoa! Whoa!” Alex gently pulls Aly and Michelle away from me. “Remember, Gabby is still experiencing some soreness and—oof!” The girls tackle him to the ground, and I dissolve into a fit of giggles. It hurts a little to laugh, but it’s worth it.
Carter and Jax stroll out the door and take in the situation. “What do you think, Jax?” Carter says. “Should we help him?”
“I think”—Jax kneels down and packs some snow into his hand—“that’s a great idea.”
“Run!” Aly yells as a snowball pelts Alex in the leg. He quickly goes on the defense and begins creating his own arsenal. Carter pitches a snowball but ends up accidently hitting Jax, which results in a full-on war amongst the guys.
“Come on!” Michelle laughs as she and Aly usher me away from the craziness and into the warmth of the house.
“Oh, Aly—you did such a beautiful job!” I gush as soon as we enter the living room. A grandiose Christmas tree with presents stuffed underneath stands in the corner, and little snowmen and gingerbread decorations are tastefully tucked onto shelves throughout the room. Above the fireplace mantel hangs a banner that says, “Congratulations, Alex and Gabby!”
“We are so happy for you.” Aly pulls me into a hug. I feel another set of arms around my back and I know it’s Michelle trying to get in on all the love.
“Now let’s get a better look at that ring.” Michelle grabs my hand and begins asking me a million questions about the proposal. My friends listen intently as the guys make their way back into the house and hang their wet coats and other winter stuff to dry.
“I almost forgot,” Aly pipes up once I finish my story. “We have a ton of food in the kitchen. We set it up buffet style so everyone can just get what they want.”
“I call first dibs on those lemon bars Michelle was making,” Alex yells.
“Don’t hoard them, Alex,” Michelle calls out. “Because it’s a special day, I made a separate batch just for you to take home.”
“Woohoo! Thanks, Peanut!” Alex gives her a quick hug, then looks at me. “Do you want me to get you anything?”