Page 1 of Tangled Emotions
18 years old
My stomach felt like I’d been on a tilt-a-whirl as I made my way to the kitchen. Mom sat at the table with a laptop and a stack of bills.
She looked up and removed her glasses. “Edith.”
With a sigh, I moved over to the table and sat down. “I, uh, need to talk to you.”
She sat back. “How far along?”
“Wha …”
She sighed at me. “Edith. It’s one in the morning and you need to talk. How far along are you?”
I swiped at the lone tear making its way down my cheek and shrugged. “I don’t know. The test just showed positive.”
“Okay, we’ll get you in the doctors.” Her face remained neutral. “Does Greg know?”
“Not yet.”
“Do you want to keep the baby?” She cleared her throat andtook a drink of her water.
“I know I’m eighteen and this isn’t the ideal situation …”
“Edith Rose Malone. That’s not what I asked.”
“Yes.” More tears spilled out onto my cheeks.
Mom gave a nod and got up from the table. “Then we’ll make a doctor’s appointment and go from there.”
“What’s wrong?” Dad walked into the kitchen. “Are you sick, Edie?”
Shit. All I wanted to do was have a talk with mom about this.
“Irv.” Mom shook her head.
I watched him look at her, then slowly turned his head back to me. “No.”
“Irv.” Mom’s eyebrows moved up on her forehead.
Outstanding. Now Dad knows.
Dad paced in the kitchen. “Does Greg know? Is that why he hasn’t been around?”
“I don’t know what’s up with him.” I reached for a napkin. “He’s been acting weird the last couple weeks.”
I don’t need you to be upset with me. I’m already beating myself up.
My oldest brother, Enoch, came into the kitchen from the back door. “What’s everyone doing up?”
“We live here.” Dad shook his head. “Why are you here?”
“I’m outta bread.” Big E shrugged. “The diner sold out, and I know mom always keeps a loaf or two here.”
“Let me understand this.” Dad’s foot tapped impatiently on the floor. “You still shop at home for food?”