Page 12 of Tangled Emotions
He splayed his hands out in front of him. “Do I look like your brother?”
“No, sir.”
“Edie? You lose your mind?” Evie snapped at me and strolled over to the counter. “Sorry about that. What can I get you?”
“Her name is Edie?” He motioned to me with his head.
“Yup.” She popped the p. “It’s short for Edith.”
“How well do you know her?”
I stood there gob smacked as my sister ran her mouth.
“Pretty well.” She looked back at me, then turned her attention back to him. “What do ya wanna know?”
“How about her number?”
“No can do, boss.” She thumbed behind her. “See that big man working the grill?” She smiled. “Big E!”
“Yo, whachu need?” He leaned close to the order window.
Evie pointed to the guy sitting at the counter. “This guy wants Edie’s number.”
“No can do, Kemosabe.”
“She yours?”
“She was mine before she’ll be anyone’s.” He winked at the customer and hit the bell. “Order up!”
“I’m right flippin’ here.” Evie stomped her foot.
“Then you better get this order right flippin’ there.”
“Ugh. Brothers.” She shook her head, and hip checked me, speaking softly. “Edie, go take his order.”
“Yeah, Edie.” His deep voice purred. “Come, take my order.” He crooked his finger and gestured me over.
He’s a man, don’t fall for it.
Rolling my eyes, I snapped. “I don’t come when fingered.”
His left eyebrow rose again, and a hint of a smile peeked out through his bearded face.
Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, then walked over. “Welcome to That One Place. What can I start you with?”
He flipped over the clean coffee cup. “Leaded, black.”
I reached behind me and grabbed the coffee urn, filling his cup.
“What’s good eats here, Edie?”
Lord help me. The deep timbre of his voice made my knees weak.
I shrugged, trying to look everywhere but into his eyes. “It’s all good here, it’s diner style home cooking.”
“Yeah, that goes together.” He chuckled. “What’s the house special?”