Page 17 of Tangled Emotions
She shot me down
Her brothers are protective
And the youngest? She’ll lop your nuts off, then river dance on them while you watch and bleed out
That sounded brutal, but from the little I’d seen at the diner, I believed it.
Stay safe, brother.
Talk soon.
Romeo could do worse than coming back to put down some roots and hell after some of the shit we’ve seen and been through?
That’s what he ought to do.
I tossed my phone down and stripped, then made my way to the bathroom and started the water. Once I had it as hot as I liked, I got in the shower. The water pressure was spot on and hit my muscles in ways no masseuse ever had. Once my shoulders felt relaxed, I soaped up my hair and scrubbed down.
Sometimes all it took was being welcomed in a warm place where you were wanted. Romeo told me his mama would treat me like a third son. And so far, she’s done exactly that.
I thought about Edie and her full figure, complete with an ass that would fill my hands. That image alone was all the help my cock needed to wake up and take notice.
He wanted her, too. I pictured her on her knees before me.
Lips open, pink tongue lapping at my head. Then I could fill her mouth, giving her something good and dirty to distract her.
The way she spoke with dead, dry sarcasm?
Hell yeah! I loved a woman who wouldn’t take shit from anyone.
And her beautiful resting bitch face.
Some people found that off-putting. Me? It made me appreciate the smiles I got from them because they were genuine.
She tried to be gruff, but I’d lay money that underneath it, she was a softie.
Fuck. I pumped myself harder. I could see her riding me, hands braced on my chest, while I held onto her luscious hips. Running my hands all over every curve and feeling her lean over, smothering me with her tits.
I did my best not to stare at her.
But God. Damn.
Her big, beautiful tits needed an experienced man who knew how to handle them and treat them right.
I didn’t jack off often. Didn’t need to. I’d never had issues finding myself a woman to bury myself in. But something about Edie was different. I wanted to bury myself in her, but not just once.
Groaning at the thought of wanting to spend more than one night withanywoman had me wondering what the fuck was wrong with me, but I had a feeling that one night with her would never be enough.
My hand worked hard and fast now. Thoughts of making her pussy sloppy wet made my head spin, and it came with thoughts of making her scream. My brain rapidly fired images of her naked, on her back, her side, flat against the bed, and on her hands and knees, made my knees wobble.
Bracing my hand on the wall, I bit my lip as I felt the first burst of cum pump out. My head dropped to my forearm, and I squeezed my dick as it pumped out burst after burst, splattering the walls and my feet.