Page 31 of Tangled Emotions
He shrugged. “Wherever Uncle Sam sent me. Mostly in sandboxes.”
Stop being an asshole, Edith.
“Sawmill is a cream based gravy.”
“Soooo?” He raised an eyebrow at me, and my body tingled.
No. We are not getting excited over this man.
He folded his hands on the counter. “Which do you prefer?”
“Depends.” I shrugged. “What am I eating?”
“What do you want to eat?” He leaned over and graced me with a sexy smirk.
Groaning, I turned and picked up two plates in the window and dashed off.
Oooo Look at me, I’m cool. I’m a smooth talker. If he thinks he’s breaking down my walls. He’s got another thing comin’
After I bussed a few tables, and Evie cashed some people out, I came back and refilled his coffee again.
“What’s the Big E burger?”
What the hell?
“Double patty, blue cheese, mushrooms on a pretzel bun.”
“Blue cheese is an odd choice.”
I thumbed behind me at the big man cooking. “See him? It’s his creation.”
“There’s no Edie special.” He flipped the menu around for emphasis.
“Sure there is.” Evie said as she swapped coffee urns and started a fresh pot one handed. “You just have to know where to look.”
He stroked his beard in thought. “Do you have soup?”
“We do.” I nodded.
“What kind?”
“Today, the soup is broccoli cheese.” I sighed. “You testing me?”
“Maybe.” He smiled. “What’s Cincinnati spaghetti?”
“Pasta with chili.”
“And the covered?”
“Cheese and onion.”
“You sure know your menu.”
“Funny how that happens after working here for years.” I cocked my hip and crossed my arms over my chest. “Figure out what you want yet?”
“Oh, I knew what I wanted last night.”