Page 5 of Tangled Emotions
Ronnie glared at him and then turned to me, smiling. “How about you?”
“I’ll get that in for you.” She walked away and then I heard Lori’s big mouth.
“Funny, she wants to eat here instead of where she works, but either way she’s still a lard ass.”
Anger flowed through my veins, and I felt my eyes narrow as I quietly spoke the words. “I’m pregnant.”
“Come again?” Greg’s eyes narrowed.
“You heard me.”
“What the fuck, Edie?”
“What do you mean, what the fuck?” I sat forward. “I sure as shit didn’t do this to myself.”
He pushed back from the table. “I need to piss.”
The scowl on my face made me feel ugly. Something felt off, and I couldn’t put my finger on it. Glancing over my shoulder, I noticed Lori had disappeared.
And then Evie flew by my table. “Aw, hell naw.”
I looked up at the bar to see Paul and Veronica trip on each other as they raced toward the bathrooms, which made me jump up and join them.
“You sick, disgusting, piece of poop!” Evie’s voice echoed in the hall. “My sister deserves better!” Greg dropped to the ground as she spun to Lori. “And you!” Lori shrieked as my sister shoved her against the wall. “If you ever call my sister anything but her name I’ll have Big E hold you down while I cut out your tongue!”
“Paul, fucking get her!” Greg grumbled.
“She’s moving too fast!” Paul snapped. “And she’s not wrong.”
“I don’t want to see either of your faces in That One Place ever again! We reserve the right to deny service and your service by my family is revoked!”
“You can’t do that!” Lori snapped.
“Oh, yes, she can.” I stepped up. “You are no longer welcome in that establishment.”
Evie kicked Greg in the stomach and then elbowed Lori. “Told ya.”
“Nor this one.” Paul finally wrapped his arms around the gremlin. “Easy baby girl.”
“Unhand me!” She struggled against him.
“Evelyn.” Big E’s voice filled the hall and Evie stopped struggling.
“I got him. And her.”
“That’s my girl.” He chuckled. “Let her go, Paulie, I got her.”
Paul released Evie, and she walked over to me. “I told you.”
“You are the best unhinged gremlin of a sister anyone could have.” I hugged her tight.
“Good. Let’s go home and have ice cream.”
Big E motioned for us to go, and I walked out of there with a smile. I had a feeling Greg would bail, but I didn’t see it ending like this.