Page 61 of Tangled Emotions
“You can?” Evelyn put her hands on her knees and looked him in the eyes. “So I went on a date and this boy kissed me. His mouth was wet and slimy …”
“Ugh, Aunt Evie. You’re gross. I’m going to help Uncle E.” He stormed into the back.
“There. Now we can talk.” She smiled triumphantly.
“First of all, he doesn’t need to know what I was doing last night. Nor does the rest of our family.” I sat up and took a drink of my coffee. “And secondly? I can’t believe you hopped him up on sugar.”
Evie leaned on the counter. “Did you take advantage of the night or not?”
The bells rang again and Ronnie came in and took the seat beside me. “Did I miss anything?”
“What is with you two?” I shook my head and drained my cup.
Evie refilled it. “C’mon.”
“C’mon what, Evelyn?”
“Spill!” Ronnie slapped her hands on the counter.
“Please.” I groaned. “My poor head.”
“Well, you drank quite a bit last night.” Ronnie flipped a mug over. “Deets. Didja take my advice?”
“Seriously?” I took another drink. “What is wrong with you two?”
“Nothing’s wrong with us.” Ronnie pointed between her and Evie.
Big E came out the doors and made a small chocolate malt. “Boy needs a drink.”
I glared at him as he went back to Matt, and both girls did a dance.
“Oh, yeah!” They high five each other.
“What are you celebrating?” I cringed when Big E hit the bell.
“Counter’s up!”
“We’re right here.” I snarled at him.
He gave me a smile. “I know.”
Heaving a sigh as Evelyn grabbed my plate and set it before me.
“I didn’t say anything.”
“You didn’t have to.” Evie laughed. “I know that Frank gave you a ride home.”
Ronnie leaned in. “And I can tell you he didn’t come for his motorcycle until this morning.”
“I don’t need details, just high five me if you took advantage of the night alone.” Evie held her hand up.
I left my sister hanging long enough for her face to fall, then I slapped it.
“I’m so proud of you!” She leaned over and hugged me. “Now? I’m going home to soak in a hot tub and relax.”
“The hell you are.” I smiled as I took a bite of my food. “You can work my shift.”
She twisted her lips in thought as the bells rang again. Her face lit up, and I turned to see Cesare Cordova with a few others coming in.