Page 67 of Tangled Emotions
“… and when the boys were pulling on my legs, Doc blew the whistle and made them stand on the fence.”
“Again?” I looked up from loading the dishwasher.
“No.” Matthew pouted. “But I wanted to be sure you knew.”
“Because that’s a good thing to have in a dad, right?”
I paused, rinsing the plate in my hand.
Doc. Doc. Doc. Doc. Doc.
“Mooooom.” Matt whined. “Doc is good ateverything. I want a dad like him.”
Ah. There is it.
“Matthew, it’s not like there’s a dad order center.” I put the plate on the rack and looked at my son. “There’s no store where I can walk in and just pick a dad for you out.”
His determination impressed me, but I wasn’t going to marry an absolute stranger.
“Well, you’ll never find me a dad if you don’t go on dates. Aunt Evie said so.”
Irritation crawled on my skin.
Of course she did.
“Why isn’t it enough that you’re the man of the house?” I turned to see my son and my heart broke. His eyes shone with unshed tears.
“Fine.” He turned and walked away.
“Matthew? What if I agree to go on a date?”
He ran back, looking at me with wide eyes. “Do you mean it?”
Nodding my head, I felt my resolve melting. “One date.”
Every day after school, this felt like all we talked about. If a date will make it stop, I’ll do it.
“Yay!” He bounced around in a circle. “We could date!”
“Wait!” I giggled. “What do you mean,wecould date?”
“Well, you can’t do it alone!” He ran over and wrapped his arms around me. “I’ll interview them over dinner.”
I turned back to the counter, bracing my hands on the counter. My shoulders shook with my laughter.
Matthew’s feet pounded on the floor, and he came back with a notebook. “Okay, Mom. What traits do you need in a husband?” He stopped and ran to the door. “Never mind. I’m gonna go ask Nana. You’ve never been married, so you don’t know.”
With that, my son disappeared, and I let out the laughter I held inside.
I had no idea what he had in mind, or what he thought dating was. What I did know was he wasn’t going to let this go.
I went to the table and picked up my phone, shooting a text to my sister.
How could you tell Matthew that I wouldn’t find him a dad if I didn’t go on dates?