Page 82 of Tangled Emotions
“Why is it I can picture you all puffed up and proud?”
Frank’s soft laugh made me smile bigger. “Because I am?”
Laughing, I got out of bed and shut off the lights, and closed my door.
“What are you doing, baby?” His voice deepened, making me shiver.
“Getting ready for bed.”
“Wish I was there.” He sighed.
Taking a deep breath, I whispered. “Me too.”
“I made reservations at the country club for dinner and then I got a room at the Triton Falls Plaza for later.”
“Shit.” I grumbled.
“Now I have to put out!” I laughed, and he joined me.
“Hell, if it was that easy, I’d have tried that weeks ago.” He joked.
“I bet.”
“Edie? You’re not easy. And you sure as hell aren’t some conquest.” His voice sounded sincere. “You deserve to have a man chase you and prove his worth.”
My eyes burned with tears, and I fake yawned. “See you for breakfast?”
“You know it.”
“G’night, Frank.”
“Night, baby.”
We hung up, and I played around with my camera. I knew he wasn’t saying what he thought I wanted to hear. Big E was right. Frank was a genuine good guy.
When I felt I finally got a picture that I thought looked good of my face and cleavage, I sent it to him, put my phone on the charger and snuggled down in bed.
I just found the sweet spot to fall asleep when my phone rang. Groaning, I rolled over and saw the picture I took of Frank when he wasn’t looking. “Frank?”
His soft moan filled my ear as I listened to him heavy breathing. “You send me that before bed and think I can fall asleep now?”
“What …” I took a deep breath and played along. “What are you doing, baby?”
He purred into the phone, and I felt my pussy clench. “I’m thinkin’ ‘bout my girl.”
“Yeah? You got a girl?”
“Mm-hmm. She’s curvy, with tits that make my mouth water and a pussy I could eat all day.”
Moaning softly, I slid down in bed. “Maybe she’ll let you do that again.”
“No maybes.” I heard a soft, fapping sound.