Page 86 of Tangled Emotions
“Feel better?”
“A little.” He twisted his lips, a quirk I’ve seen Edith do many times. “Are you still going on your date Saturday?”
“I am.”
“What are you going to wear?”
I can’t wait to see how this plays out.
“I didn’t think about that. What do you think I should wear?”
“Hmmm, something kinda dressy. Like jeans and a button-up shirt like a flannel and a bowtie.”
“A bowtie?” My eyebrows moved up into my hairline.
“Yeah. Gotta be fancy, Doc, to impress her.” He nodded emphatically.
“Alright. Bow ties are classy. Does it have to be a flannel?”
“Hmmm, no. Could be whatever I guess.” He shrugged. “But youneedthe bowtie.”
“I’ll pick one up today.”
He gave me a thumbs up as the first bell rang. “Gotta go, Doc. See you for P.E.!” he dashed out of my office, but then came back running around my desk to throw his arms around my neck. “Thanks for the man-to-man talks.”
“Anytime, son.” I hugged him back.
With that, he ran off, leaving me alone in my office.
He’s gonna flip when he finds out I’m Frank.
Spent the last two nights talking to Edith before bed and tonight was our date night, which means tomorrow the cat’s outta the bag.
I sat at the counter in the diner, eating some creation Big E sent out for me to try. Our friendship slowly morphed into me being his guinea pig for food.
“This one’s good, E.”
“Like add to the menu good? Make it a special good? Or just good?”
I looked up at him. “What the hell’s the difference?”
Edith came over and refilled my coffee. “What’s up?”
“He likes this concoction.” Big E motioned to the plate before me.
“Okay … is it add to the menu good, or do it as special good or just on request?”
“What is it with you people?” I sat back. “I’m a Marine, not a critic.”
Edith laughed, and the sound went straight to my dick. I loved making this woman smile, laugh, moan, move.
I loved this woman.
“Still on for six?”
“I’ll be ready.”
I winked at her just to see her cheeks pink up in a blush. Pointing down to the plate with my fork, I looked at Enoch. “I would try it as a special and see how it sells before adding it to the menu.”