Page 56 of Cold Foot King
Chapter Ten
“Has anyone seen King?” Katrina asked the shifters breaking camp.
Cash took one look at her and then strode right for the woods, a frown etched onto his face.
She looked around, and they were down a few, King included. Also, even more terrifying, the blue snow machine was gone, and only the yellow remained.
A feeling of deep discomfort washed through her body like a wave of fog.
No one was answering her, and they were all avoiding eye contact. “Timber?” she asked, pushing the flap of her and Wreck’s tent open. Only Timber was in there, rolling up their sleeping bags. “Where are Wreck and King?”
“They went into town.” Timber kept her eyes on her work.
“What do you mean? Why did they leave early? We shouldn’t split up.”
Timber stopped her work and rocked back on her knees, reached into her jacket pocket, and pulled out a folded piece of notebook paper. “He said he wasn’t good at goodbyes.” Timber stretched her arm out, offering the folded letter.
Dread filled Katrina’s middle. For a three-count, she couldn’t convince her legs to move. Goodbyes? King wasn’t good at goodbyes?
She pushed her body into motion and took the letter gingerly from Timber’s grasp.
“I’m sorry,” Timber whispered, her eyes full of deep emotion.
Katrina left the tent and made it all the way to the woods before she opened the letter, far from the view of prying eyes.
She checked behind her, but no one was following.
With a towering pine at her back, she unfolded the letter.
My place isn’t with Wreck’s Crew. I knew it wasn’t. I will remember the last few days with you for a long time. I remembered who I am because you were so damn good at reminding me. You are going to have a great life in Wreck’s Crew, and I will think of you from time to time. You’re hot, woman, but I can say I don’t think it was the same for me as it was for you. You deserve better than a half life with someone who doesn’t feel the same. You did that before with your ex, and I don’t want you to do that for me. Stay single for a while. Figure out who the hell you are, and I’ll do the same. From here on, you are in the driver’s seat. You are running your life. Stay the course. Always stay the course.
I had fun with you.
He didn’t feel the same about her as she did him?
Katrina rested her back against the trunk of the tree and looked up at the branches, hoping the cold air would relieve the burn in her eyes.
He didn’t feel the same?
Why had he felt so big then?
Why had he been so protective?
Why had he slept with her?
Why had he kissed her?
She didn’t understand. Could men just be that cold? Get what they want, and then leave?
The burning in her eyes became overwhelming. She slid her back down the tree and buried her stupid crying face against her arms.
“Hoo, hoo.”
She looked up at the branches of the tree in front of her, tears streaking down her cheeks and leaving frozen tracks down her warm skin. A massive snowy owl sat there on a low-hanging branch, watching her.