Page 62 of Cold Foot King
She hesitated, her hand on the door. He had tried to talk to her some, and did seem to care sometimes. She swallowed hard, shook her head, and made her way back to the rail nearest his cabin. “No. The text never went through. I keep checking.”
“He must’ve tossed the phone. I wouldn’t take it personally.”
“If he tossed his phone, he did it knowing he would never be able to talk to me again. How could I not take that personally?”
“Touché. I would be pissed. Well, it’ll get easier with time.”
“How do you know?”
“I don’t. I read that in the advice column of the Darby newspaper.”
She laughed. “Darby has a newspaper?”
“Of course. Population, what? Eight or nine hundred? People need their news. Did you know that last Sunday, an elk got into a fight with a trash can near the main drag of Darby? It did thirty-two dollars’ worth of damage. Reading is good for you, Kat. You should try it sometime.”
She rolled her eyes. “I’ll get right on that.”
Cash stood up and frowned at the trees that hid the road. “Do you hear that?”
Sounded like a truck engine.
“Should I get Wreck?” she asked.
“I’m up,” Wreck announced from his front porch two cabins down.
Katrina startled hard. How long had he been out here? Timber bolted out of their house, her robe flowing behind her as she sprinted to the firepit. She was running in place in excitement. “What’s going on?” Katrina asked Wreck.
“We have some early visitors who are going to help us prepare for the party.”
“Every new Crew in Damon’s Mountains has one,” he said, jogging down his porch stairs.
“Who is coming to the party?” she called after him.
“Anyone who is willing to make the ten-hour road trip.”
Katrina snorted. “So, maybe four people?”
Wreck tossed her a grin over his shoulder. “Sure. Tell yourself that.”
A truck emerged on the single-lane gravel road, and she recognized the passenger in it.
“Silver?” she whispered, shocked.
Timber was jumping up and down now with her arms up in the air in celebration. Two more trucks made their way slowly into the trailer park, and Wreck directed them to a big field behind Reed’s cabin to park.
Silver was the first one out, running like a lunatic.
A huge laugh escaped Katrina as she sprinted down the stairs and straight for her old friend.
Silver caught her up in a hug, and then waved Timber to them and hugged them both.
“Oh my gosh!” Katrina exclaimed. “You’re really here!”
“I’m really here! We drove through the night!”
“We, who?” Owen asked as he walked tiredly by holding two quality, matching duffel bags, one black and one a muted pink. “She and Lucia and the baby slept like logs in the back seat. Me and Landon did the driving. I need sleep.”